全球美徳倫・Global Beauty Times


Why are you being? なぜなの?

Let yourself shine so brightly in the present that your fears and sorrows about the past are hazy. 今の自分を輝かせよう、過去に対する不安や悲しみが霞むくらいにするのである。

If you want to undo the mistakes of the past, you have to look to the past and the future instead of the past. 過去を後悔しても何も変わらない、過去の過ちを取り戻したいなら、過去よりも現在と未来に目を向けるしかないのである。

So, Let’s just keep moving forward and not look back.

Because the only person who can undo the mistakes of the past is you, Right NOW.

Let’s just move forward without looking back.
Only you, Now, can recover the mistakes of the past.
Be love yourself.