全球美徳倫・Global Beauty Times


Are you trying something new today?今日も新しい何かに挑戦してますか?

Leave the work you're not good at to do and actively contribute to others by doing what you're good at.


If it's something you're good at, take the initiative to contribute to someone else's work. And for that matter, you're more likely to get better results at work if you leave the work you're not good at to someone else who is good at it.

得意なことなら、他人の仕事でも率先して引き受けて貢献する。 そして、その分、苦手な仕事を得意な誰かに任せた方が、仕事でも成果を上げやすくなる。

That said, there's no point in hanging out in the same industry, so make friends in different genres who are good at what you're not good at.
