全球美徳倫・Global Beauty Times


Adversity is always present, but it is through overcoming it that we grow. Understanding precisely what the issue is and reflecting on our own actions ultimately lead us to a better place.

GLOBAL BEAUTY TIMES 全球美徳倫One Word a Day: Global virtue ethics
Global Beauty Times 365 – 全球领导989,990
Matters of health, May 1, 2, 2024 令和6年5月1,2日


#Find the Meaning in Your Work
If you don't feel like you have a career purpose, that’s okay; focus on finding meaning instead. While purpose represents an overarching goal, meaning is the feeling of satisfaction you get from your work. Here’s how to discover the meaning in your work.

Start by identifying what brings you joy in the course of your day-to-day work life. Perhaps it’s collaborating with others, thinking creatively, or being a mentor. When do you feel that spark? Developing a clear sense of what you enjoy about the process of work will help you define a sense of meaning that you can pursue and follow throughout your career.

Then think about the areas where you’re succeeding—and develop that greatness. Every job is comprised of a number of responsibilities. Ask yourself: Which ones do I consistently excel at? Where have I received good feedback? What skills am I excited to build on? You can derive meaning from a sense of mastery and deep expertise.

When you enjoy the things you’re great at, that’s the sweet spot.





Adversity is always present, but it is through overcoming it that we grow. Understanding precisely what the issue is and reflecting on our own actions ultimately lead us to a better place.

#Ask These Questions to Determine Whether Your Job Is Salvageable
Bad days at work are inevitable, and frustration is bound to be a part of almost any job. But if your dissatisfaction is pushing you to consider quitting, how can you assess whether your job is salvageable—or a sunk cost? Start by asking yourself these questions.

Is the workplace toxic? If you feel as though your workplace makes you feel afraid, intimidated, demoralized, or like you're compromising your values, it’s time to plan your exit strategy.

Is your problem temporary or permanent? Before making any rash decisions, consider whether your issues are temporary—big, stressful projects will soon wrap; new, engaging projects will soon start—or are likely to persist long-term.

Are you miserable—or just bored? Work can feel deeply draining when you’re not creatively engaged; your tasks don’t resonate with you; or your responsibilities are simply mind-numbing. Look for ways to expand your role or learn new skills on the job. If you're simply bored with your current role, look for ways to expand it and learn new skills.

Are you the problem? Reflect on your approach to work. Perhaps you're working too hard—or not hard enough. Consider your workplace relationships too. If your work friendships are overly negative and focused on commiserating, taking a step back might help you rediscover the bright side of your work.








英語では、「知行合一」は "Unity of Knowledge and Action" と訳されます。この表現は、acquiring knowledge is not sufficient unless it is applied in real-world actionsという考えを示しています。It underscores the importance of not only understanding theoretical concepts but also applying them in practical situations to achieve true wisdom and improvement.

Thank you for your support and I hope you‘ll good it! 
今日も一日をご機嫌で!共に顔晴りましょう。 ありがとうございました。
May you have many wonderful things in your life.
ⒸKeiko Mizuno,水野敬子,2024, Global Beauty Times Premium