全球美徳倫・Global Beauty Times


What do we spend our money on? 何にお金をかけるのか

To live happily, it is important that you know what you really want to do.


No matter how much money you make, you will never lead a satisfying life if you are so distracted by the things in front of you that you feel obligated to do that you can't see what you want to do.


I eat poorly on a daily basis, refine my beauty and enjoy a feast with the people I love when I have time to spare.


That is a happy eating style. I buy ingredients for coarse meals with good quality ingredients, and I spend about half the week.

それが幸せな食事スタイルです。 良質な素材を粗食用に材料を買って、週の半分ぐらいは

You can create delicious food for less than $100per meal. We are passionate about creating delicious food with limited ingredients. 一食100円未満で美味しい料理がデキる。 私は限られた食材の中で美味しいものを作ることに情熱をかけています。 

How to live a healthy life, thoroughly "food", "exercise" and most of all "mindfulness", living cheerfully and unfailingly one day at a time.


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