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“Self-compassion is simply giving the same kindness to ourselves that we would give to others.” - Dr. Kristin Neff, an expert in self-compassion

October 28th, 2023

If I were to offer myself the best advice, what would it be?

1. セルフコンパッションの定義と概念
• セルフコンパッションの意味
• 「self」および「compassion」の成分の解説
2. 語源と背景
• 「compassion」のラテン語起源
• 「passion」のラテン語起源と現代英語における使用
3. ソフトランディング瞑想法
• 瞑想の目的と利点
• ソフトランディング瞑想の手順

“Self-compassion is simply giving the same kindness to ourselves that we would give to others.”
- Dr. Kristin Neff, an expert in self-compassion
「セルフコンパッションは、他人に与えるのと同じ優しさを自分自身に与えることに過ぎません。」- セルフコンパッションの専門家であるクリスティン・ネフ博士
“对自己的慈悲就是给予自己我们会给予他人的同样的善意。” - 克里斯廷·内夫博士

セルフコンパッションには3つの要素が存在し、その中で「自己親和性」は特に重要です。それは、自分自身に向ける優しさ、理解、そして寛容を示すものです。私たちが失敗や不完全性に confront した時、他人に示す思いやりを自分自身にも持つことが、自己親和性の中心的な考え方となります。

Self-compassion is made up of three main components, with "self-kindness" being the most important one. Self-kindness refers to the compassion, understanding, and acceptance that we give ourselves. When we encounter our own mistakes or flaws, the essential idea of self-kindness is to treat ourselves with the same level of empathy and care that we would offer to others.



Self-affinity has numerous positive effects. Firstly, it helps to reduce stress. While self-criticism and self-blame can lead to stress, having self-affinity can alleviate this stress. Secondly, it enhances resilience. When faced with challenges or difficulties, having self-affinity can enable one to recover more quickly. Lastly, it improves overall happiness. Self-affinity fosters warm compassion towards oneself, which enhances well-being and gratitude. By accepting one's failures and imperfections and showing compassion towards oneself, self-affinity is expected to significantly improve mental health and happiness.



Feeling connected with others refers to the relationship and unity one feels with others. The notion of "common humanity" in self-compassion emphasizes that while our experiences are unique, our emotions and experiences are universally shared. This concept helps reduce isolation, build empathy and understanding, and form a strong community.



To truly comprehend the essence of this idea, let us delve deeper into its main components. Firstly, it involves reducing feelings of isolation. When we face difficult experiences or emotions, we often feel like we are the only ones going through such situations. However, by recognizing our connections with others, we can understand that many people have similar experiences. This realization can alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation. Secondly, it involves empathy and mutual understanding. By empathizing with the experiences and emotions of others, we can share our own experiences and emotions. This leads to the establishment of deeper human connections. Lastly, it emphasizes the significance of forming a robust community. Having a deep connection with others increases the likelihood of building a supportive community. In conclusion, feeling connected to others is crucial for enhancing self-awareness, deepening human relationships, and ultimately leading to a more fulfilling life. 




"Mindfulness involves focusing on the present moment by noticing events, emotions, bodily sensations, and thoughts, and then fully concentrating on them."

There are three key elements emphasized in this approach: non-judgmental observation, staying present in the moment, and being mindful of automatic reactions. Non-judgmental observation means experiencing the present without evaluating it as good or bad, but rather accepting it as it is. It's important to stay focused on the present moment, avoiding thoughts of past regrets or future worries. Additionally, it's crucial to recognize situations or emotions rather than immediately reacting to them, and making conscious choices instead. By focusing on the present moment in this way, one can gain deeper insight into their inner self and surroundings, leading to a more peaceful and balanced state of mind.











The term "self-compassion" is composed of two parts - "self" and "compassion". "Self" refers to oneself, while "compassion" carries the meanings of empathy and sympathy, particularly in relation to understanding and empathizing with the suffering of others, and the emotions and attitudes that aim to alleviate that suffering. Therefore, "self-compassion" can be interpreted as "empathy towards oneself" or "sympathizing with oneself".

It's important to note that "self-compassion" is not made up of "self", "con", and "passion". This term is simply a combination of the two words "self" and "compassion", and the division into "con" and "passion" is not a natural segmentation in the English language.

The word "compassion" has its roots in the Latin language, derived from "com-" (together with) and "pati" (to suffer), meaning "to suffer together". This signifies the emotion and attitude of empathizing with the suffering of others, and how this emotion and attitude serve as a motivation to help and support others. The English word "compassion" was adopted from Old French and Middle French, but it has its foundational root in Latin.

Similarly, the word "passion" also has Latin roots. It comes from "passio", which means "to suffer" or "to undergo". However, in modern English, "passion" is primarily used to refer to "enthusiasm" or "strong emotion".

这个词“self-compassion”由两部分组成 - “self”和“compassion”。 “Self”指的是自己,而“compassion”包含了同情和共感的意思,特别是与理解和与他人的痛苦共情,以及旨在减轻那种痛苦的情感和态度有关。因此,“self-compassion”可以解释为“对自己的共情”或“对自己的同情”。





1. リラックスするために、数回深呼吸をしましょう。
2. その後、呼吸を自然なリズムに戻しましょう。
3. 心を静め、現在の瞬間に集中しましょう。
4. 体や心に現れる感情や感覚を、評価することなく受け入れましょう。
5. 気が散るような思考や感情に気付いたら、優しくそれを放しましょう。
6. この瞑想を短時間、例えば約5分間実践しましょう。
7. 最後に、瞑想が終わったら、ゆっくりと目を開け、自分の空間で一瞬リラックスしましょう。

Here is a simple Soft Landing Meditation Procedure that you can follow:

1. Begin by taking a few deep breaths to relax.

2. Then, allow your breathing to return to its natural pattern.

3. Try to quiet your mind and focus on the present moment.

4. Accept any feelings or sensations that arise in your body and mind without judging them.

5. If you notice any distracting thoughts or emotions, gently let them go.

6. Practice this meditation for a short duration, such as about 5 minutes.

7. Finally, when the meditation is over, slowly open your eyes and take a moment to relax in your space.


1. 为了放松,先做几次深呼吸。
2. 然后,让您的呼吸回到其自然的模式。
3. 尝试使您的心静下来,并专注于此刻。
4. 不加评判地接受身体和思想中产生的任何感觉或情感。
5. 如果您注意到任何分散注意力的思想或情感,轻轻地放开它们。
6. 练习这种冥想一段时间,比如大约5分钟。
7. 最后,冥想结束时,慢慢地睁开眼睛,并在您的空间里放松片刻。

May you have any wonderful time in your life.
GLOBAL BEAUTY TIMES Premium, October 28th, 2023, Copyright ©Keiko.Mizuno