全球美徳倫・Global Beauty Times


"People who are merely busy are those who are poor at managing their time." - Henry David Thoreau

GLOBAL BEAUTY TIMES 全球美徳倫One Word a Day: Global virtue ethics
Global Beauty Times 365 – 全球领导946,947 Matters of health, March 19,20, 2024 令和6年3月19,20日

Celebrating the Spring Equinox - Reflecting on the Arrival of a New Season
春分の日を祝して - 新たな季節の始まりに思いを馳せて

Dear All,

I hope this message finds you well as we welcome the arrival of spring, a season of renewal and harmony. In Japan, we celebrate the Spring Equinox, a day that marks the balance between day and night, symbolizing equality and the beautiful blend of nature's duality.

This occasion is deeply rooted in our culture, inviting us to appreciate the natural world and its cycles. It is a time when we honor our ancestors and reflect on the blessings of life and the natural world around us. The Spring Equinox encourages us to embrace change, fostering new beginnings and opportunities for growth in our personal and professional lives.

In the spirit of this meaningful day, I wish to extend my warmest regards and hope for a fruitful and prosperous season ahead for you and your esteemed colleagues. May this spring bring fresh inspiration and success to our ongoing and future endeavors.

Let us cherish the beauty of nature and the new beginnings it symbolizes, as we move forward together in harmony and mutual respect. I look forward to the continued growth of our relationship and the exciting possibilities this new season holds for us.

Warmest regards,








#Become a Pro at Asynchronous Communication

With the rise of remote and hybrid work, the number of employees working at different times and collaborating across time zones is growing. As a result, you need to develop an increasingly important skill: asynchronous communication. Here are a few tactics that can help.

Asynchronous work requires more autonomy. Familiarize yourself with company resources, like databases, intranets, and internal file-sharing systems. You’ll need to become a pro at finding the information and guidance you need without reaching out to colleagues.

You won’t always find the answers you need on your own. Rather than dashing off a note every time you hit a road bump, keep a running list of your questions. At the end of the workday, schedule messages to the relevant colleagues so they’ll receive them at the start of their next workday.

If you work closely with a colleague or manager who signs on after you sign off, they’ll need to understand where you left off with any shared work assignments in order to seamlessly begin their day. To pass on that information clearly, send them a handoff message when you sign off.







"People who are merely busy are those who are poor at managing their time." - Henry David Thoreau
「単に忙しいだけの人は、時間の使い方が下手な人だ。」- ヘンリー・デイヴィッド・ソロー
只知道忙碌的人,时间利用率很低。 - 亨利-戴维-梭罗

In asynchronous communication, it is required to manage one's time wisely and to focus on important tasks.
1. Aim for clear communication: In an asynchronous environment, ambiguities can increase, so it's important to clearly convey intentions, tasks, and deadlines.
2. Have autonomy and responsibility: It's important to take responsibility for your own work and be able to progress autonomously.
3. Organize and ensure easy access to information: It's important to organize necessary information and resources so they can be easily found and accessed.
4. Share regular updates: Sharing the progress of projects or tasks regularly with the team or stakeholders ensures everyone is on the same page.
5. Establish a feedback loop: Through regular feedback, improve the effectiveness of communication and make adjustments as necessary.
To effectively conduct asynchronous communication, keeping these basic considerations in mind is key to enhancing the quality of communication and improving team productivity.

1. 力求沟通清晰: 在异步环境中,模棱两可的情况可能会增加,因此明确传达意图、任务和截止日期非常重要。
2. 拥有自主权和责任感: 对自己的工作负责并能够自主取得进展非常重要。
3. 组织并确保信息的便捷获取: 整理必要的信息和资源,以便于查找和获取,这一点很重要。
4. 定期分享最新信息: 定期与团队或利益相关者分享项目或任务的进展情况,确保每个人都在同一起跑线上。
5. 建立反馈回路: 通过定期反馈,提高沟通的有效性,并在必要时做出调整。

1. 明確なコミュニケーションを心掛ける: 非同期の環境では、曖昧さが増すことがあるため、意図やタスク、期限を明確に伝えることが重要です。
2. 自律性と責任感を持つ: 自分自身の仕事に対して責任を持ち、自律的に作業を進めることができるようになることが重要です。
3. 情報の整理とアクセスの容易さ: 必要な情報やリソースを簡単に見つけられるように整理し、アクセスできるようにしておくことが重要です。
4. 定期的なアップデートを共有する: プロジェクトやタスクの進行状況を定期的にチームや関係者と共有することで、みんなが同じページにいることを確認します。
5. フィードバックのループを確立する: 定期的なフィードバックを通じて、コミュニケーションの効果を向上させ、必要に応じて調整を行います。

Thank you for your support and I hope you‘ll good it! 
今日も一日をご機嫌で!共に顔晴りましょう。 ありがとうございました。
May you have many wonderful things in your life.
ⒸKeiko Mizuno,水野敬子,2024, Global Beauty Times Premium