全球美徳倫・Global Beauty Times


What does agility have to do with resilience?

GLOBAL BEAUTY TIMES 1 全球美徳倫One Word a Day: Global virtue ethics “こころで人を動かす”考働:一日一語

Matters of health, January 31(Tuesday) 令和5年1月31(火曜日)
As we strive for sustainable, inclusive growth. 感性(5感)に働きかけ人を動かす考働365

People are burned out in a way that we have never seen before, mainly due to the pandemic and enduring this global traumatic experience.
Did you know human being need about 20 minutes of exercise every day!
Did you know? 750,000 people die yearly due to overwork (defined as more than 54 hours per week).


#wisdom _ 今日の言葉   
Serotonin, oxytocin and dopamine健康・愛/つながり・お金/成功 
Stop pretending to be thinking and justifying your lack of decision making.
If you decide you should do something but don't get around to it, you're not thinking, you're just being lazy!
These delays in making decisions add up and make a big difference in your life!
If you want to grab more, shorten the time between decision and action!

#what‘s up!  _ The Management Tips of the Day : Today’s Tip
Recent research found that around 60% of employees rarely or never do even an hour or two of deep, focused work each day without being interrupted by a distraction. As a manager, how can you protect your team’s attention? Here are some strategies that can help.

 Inventory tasks and projects. Hold people accountable for keeping current to-do lists, and give them time each week to review these commitments so they can stay in control of their work and time.
 Clarify and curate communication channels. Most distractions are the result of internal back-and-forths on various communication platforms. Make clear what each one should be used for—as well as expectations around response times.
 Normalize “no.” Make it safe for employees to communicate that they’re at capacity. Don’t punish this kind of boundary-setting—express gratitude for it.
 Make meetings meaningful. If a meeting doesn’t have an express purpose or agenda, give your employees permission to decline the invite.
 Formalize focus. Establish a team norm of protected work time. For example, block out Tuesday and Thursday afternoons for meeting-free, deep-focus work, with looser expectations around response times.
 Respect boundaries. Don’t be the distraction. If someone you manage is in the middle of a project or task, hold off on pinging them or adding work to their plate.

- タスクやプロジェクトを棚卸しする。そして、毎週そのリストを見直す時間を与えることで、仕事と時間をコントロールすることができます。
- コミュニケーション・チャンネルを明確にし、管理する。多くの場合、社内でさまざまなコミュニケーション・プラットフォームが行き交うことで、業務に支障をきたしています。それぞれのコミュニケーション・チャンネルを何に使うか、またそのレスポンスに期待される時間を明確にする。
- 「ノー」を常態化する。社員が安心して「もう限界だ」と言えるようにしましょう。このような境界線設定を罰するのではなく、感謝の意を表しましょう。
- 会議を有意義なものにする。会議の目的や議題が明確でない場合、従業員には招待を断る許可を与えましょう。
- 集中力を正式なものにする。チームで守るべき仕事の時間の規範を確立する。例えば、火曜日と木曜日の午後は会議のない、深い集中力を要する仕事に充て、応答時間に関する期待も緩やかにする。
- 境界線を尊重する。邪魔にならないようにする。もしあなたの上司がプロジェクトやタスクの最中であったとしても、PINGを送ったり、仕事を追加するのは控えましょう。

Insight, nurturing ability, and technique to see through the essence_ 173

Purpose is an overarching sense of what matters in a person’s life-it’s driven by their core values and gives their life a sense of meaning.
What is resilience?
Resilience is the ability to not only recover quickly from a crisis but to bounce back better—and even thrive.
レジリエンスとは何か? レジリエンスとは、危機から素早く立ち直るだけでなく、より良く立ち直り、さらには成長する能力のことです。

In the past decade, resilience has become a hot topic in wellness. Challenges in our health, work, and relationships are inevitable; it’s now generally accepted that learning the skills to recover from adversity is one of the most important personal development journeys we can take.

But what about resilience in business? When it comes to our global socioeconomic outlook, you don’t need a crystal ball to predict turbulent times ahead. McKinsey’s September 2022 Global Survey on economic conditions reveals that geopolitical tensions, inflation, and a gloomy global economic forecast are top of mind for CEOs. In the face of this looming uncertainty, many leaders are thinking more than ever about building resilience.

But resilience is more than just the ability to recover quickly. In business, resilience means dealing with adversity and shocks, and continuously adapting for growth. Truly resilient organizations don’t just bounce back better; they actually thrive in hostile environments. McKinsey research on the financial crisis of 2007–08 shows that resilient companies not only outperform their peers through a downturn and recovery—they also accelerate into the new reality, leaving peers further behind.

For more on what resilience looks like, and how to foster it in the face of a variety of challenges, read on.



しかし、レジリエンスとは、単に素早く回復する能力だけではありません。ビジネスにおけるレジリエンスとは、逆境やショックに対処し、成長のために継続的に適応していくことを意味します。真にレジリエンスの高い組織は、単に立ち直りが早いだけでなく、厳しい環境の中で も実際に成功を収めることができるのである。2007-08 年の金融危機に関する McKinsey の調査によると、レジリエンスの高い企業は、景気後退と回復の過程で同業他社の業績を上回るだけでなく、新しい現実に向かって加速し、同業他社をさらに遅らせていることが明らかになっている。


How has the pandemic impacted corporate resilience?
McKinsey recently supported the Federation of European Risk Management Associations (FERMA) on a survey about COVID-19’s impact on corporate resilience. More than 200 senior executives and risk and insurance professionals participated, reflecting a wide range of countries and industry sectors. The findings were conclusive: more than half of respondents believe the pandemic has made risk and resilience much more important to their organizations. In the past, executives report, their risk management was focused on a small number of well-defined risks, primarily financial risks. Now, risk includes public-health and environmental pressures, societal uncertainties, geopolitical tensions, on top of the same or worse financial volatilities they’ve always faced.

Here are some notable findings from the survey:
Many organizations have been working diligently on resilience throughout the pandemic. Workplace safety and remote working has been a focus of many companies; more than 75 percent of respondents say implementation measures in these two areas are largely completed. Fifty-two percent of respondents say the most effective capabilities they have in place relate to managing financial resilience.

Nearly two-thirds of responding companies say that resilience is central to their organizations’ strategic progress, and that the most important resilience areas are digital, technology, finance, and operations.

Foresight capabilities (scenario planning and stress testing) is the core area cited for improvement. Executives are split in their use of scenarios and stress-testing exercises: about half rarely or never use them in strategic decision making, and half use them often or always.

Risk functions and executive teams play a much larger role than strategy teams in building resilient organizations. But well-functioning risk governance models are better than good risk managers at improving crisis management.

To strengthen future resilience, 75 percent of risk managers believe that improving risk culture and strengthening the integration of resilience into the strategy process are the most important actions.

But what does good resilience really look like? Read on to find out.

多くの組織が、パンデミックの期間中、レジリエンスに熱心に取り組んできた。職場の安全とリモートワークは、多くの企業で重視されており、回答者の 75% 以上が、この 2 分野の対策はほぼ完了していると答えている。回答者の 52%が、導入している最も効果的な能力は財務的なレジリエンス管理に関するものであると答えている。

回答企業のほぼ 3 分の 2 が、レジリエンスは組織の戦略的進展の中心であり、最も重要なレジリエンス分野はデジタル、テクノロジー、財務、およびオペレーションであると述べている。



将来のレジリエンスを強化するために、リスクマネジャーの 75%が、リスク文化を改善し、戦略プロセ スへのレジリエンスの統合を強化することが最も重要なアクションであると考えている。


What does agility have to do with resilience?

Agile is a way of working that seeks to harness the inevitability of change rather than work against it. As such, organizations that have fostered agile processes are better able to pivot when the situation demands it. Agility lets organizations respond in ways uniquely suited to each crisis, rather than apply one-size-fits-all, inflexible solutions. Here are the specific ways agility benefits organizations in times of crisis:

アジリティとは、変化に逆らって働くのではなく、変化の必然性を利用しようとする仕事のやり方である。したがって、アジャイルなプロセスを育成してきた組織は、状況に応じてピボットする能力に長けているのである。アジリティがあれば、組織は、画一的で柔軟性に欠ける解決策を適用するのではなく、それぞれの 危機に適した方法で対応することができる。ここでは、アジリティが危機のときに組織にもたらす具体的なメリットについて説明する。

Dynamic decision making. In times of crisis, any uncertainty about who has the final say can cause costly delays. To accelerate good decision making, leaders should distinguish between types of decisions and the level of risk that may be involved.

One way to prepare for good decision making in a crisis is by practicing deliberate calm, an approach to learning and leading with awareness and intentional choice.

Effective meetings and time management. In the postpandemic era, when many organizations are emphasizing increased agility, one McKinsey survey found that 80 percent of executives are considering or already implementing changes in the content, structure, and cadence of business meetings.

Meeting hygiene and personal time management practices should be reviewed at the beginning and end of every project.


効果的な会議とタイムマネジメント ポスト・パンデミック時代において、多くの組織がアジリティの向上を重視している中、マッキンゼーのある調査では、80%のエグゼクティブがビジネスミーティングの内容、構造、およびケイデンスの変更を検討しているか、すでに実行していることがわかっています。


How can organizations build geopolitical resilience in the postpandemic era?

To address the geopolitical risks of the present—and plan for the future—business leaders should focus their resilience-building efforts on six key dimensions.
ポスト・パンデミック時代に、組織はどのようにして地政学的なレジリエンスを構築すればよいのだろう か?

ビジネスリーダーは、現在の地政学的リスクに対処し、将来に向けて計画を立てるために、レジリエン スを高めるための取り組みを 6 つの主要な側面に集中させるべきである。

Business model

To build business model resilience, an organization’s board of directors first needs to understand which geopolitical factors stand to affect their organization. To ensure that relevant information from throughout the organization is delivered to the board, organizations should develop systematic delivery methods—including analytical products, briefings, or scenario exercises—to guide quick decision making and planning.


Reputational resilience thrives on internal alignment around operations in geopolitically sensitive markets. Organizations need to know what they stand for—and what they stand against. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was relatively clear-cut, and many organizations have chosen to stop doing business in Russia as a result. For geopolitical situations that are less black-and-white, organizations can create market-specific “compacts” that combine risk management and corporate strategy. These compacts can be the foundation for a modern, coherent, values-driven narrative on why the organization does business in particular markets.


As external geopolitical pressures rise, organizations are feeling more internal pressures. Gone are the days when companies and executives felt borderless. Building organizational resilience, via fostering inclusive governance structures and open, honest dialogues, can contribute to sustaining cultural cohesion and a global ethos.


To safeguard and nurture operational resilience, organizations should focus on protecting and pivoting supply chains. This can be achieved by simulating and planning for extreme disruptions, and assessing the resilience of one’s suppliers (and suppliers’ suppliers). And any effort to diversify should factor in the political risks of entering a new market. One emerging technique that can help achieve long-term structural resilience is the use of “digital twins” that mirror critical parts of the supply chain and predict trouble ahead.


Technological resilience in the face of geopolitical fragmentation requires action in four areas. First, geopolitical tensions have caused the internet to begin splintering into regional variants and tech stacks. Companies may struggle to maintain consistent interregional connectivity and user experience. Data localization requirements pose a second challenge. Next, organizations need to manage data access to ensure appropriate compartmentalization. Finally, it’s essential that organizations work to ensure resiliency against a variety of tech urgencies—from cyberattacks to rolling out new tech equipment across markets.


Financial risks, like foreign-exchange and sanctions risks, are evolving and should be monitored on an ongoing basis. As the global economy continues to weather shocks, challenges will continue to manifest over activities from moving funds to paying employees. Developing crisis protocols in advance of the crisis may help organizations weather a storm.


ビジネスモデルのレジリエンスを構築するためには、まず、組織の取締役会が、どのような地政学的要 因が自分たちの組織に影響を及ぼそうとしているのかを理解する必要がある。組織は、組織全体からの関連情報を取締役会に確実に伝達するために、迅速な意思決定と計 画立案を支援する体系的な伝達方法 (分析資料、ブリーフィング、シナリオ演習など) を開発すべきである。






オペレーションのレジリエンスを守り育てるために、組織は、サプライチェーンの保護と軌道修正に焦 点を当てるべきである。これは、極端なディスラプションをシミュレートして計画すること、そして、自社のサプライヤ (およびサプライヤのサプライヤ) のレジリエンスを評価することによって達成することができる。また、多角化の努力は、新しい市場に参入する際の政治的なリスクも考慮に入れておく必要がある。長期的な構造的レジリエンスの達成に役立つ新しい手法として、サプライチェーンの重要な部分をミラーリングして、トラブルを事前に予測する「デジタルツイン」の利用がある。


地政学的な分断に直面したときの技術的なレジリエンスには、4 つの領域で対応することが必要で ある。第一に、地政学的な緊張によって、インターネットが地域ごとに分断され、技術スタックも分断され始めている。企業は、地域間の接続性とユーザーエクスペリエンスの一貫性を維持するのに苦労することがあります。次に、データのローカライゼーションの必要性が挙げられます。次に、適切な区分けができるように、データアクセスを管理する必要があります。最後に、サイバー攻撃から市場全体への新しい技術機器の導入に至るまで、さまざまな技術的緊急事態に対する回復力を確保することが不可欠である。



With gratitude,
Keiko Mizuno 

Thank you for your support and I hope you‘ll good it! 
May you have any wonderful time in your life. 
そして Try lots of new things. 新しい経験をたくさんしよう。

Copyright Ⓒ Keiko Mizuno SPACES,INC (https://spacesinc.webnode.jp/) info@keishogrm.com Use English in your daily life 英語を身近に使いましょうThank you for reading today.お読みいただいてありがとうございます。Behave smart and beautiful!! Moving forward with you.より美的健康を創造しよう、ご一緒に This email contains information about Scientific evidence, SPACES’s research, insights, services, or events. このメールには、科学的 に証明されたエビデンス、スぺ―シーズのリサーチ、インサイト、サービス、イベントなどに関する情報が含まれています。