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How to Handle 3 Types of Difficult Coworkers

GLOBAL BEAUTY TIMES 6 全球美徳倫One Word a Day: Global virtue ethics “こころで人を動かす”考働:一日一語

Matters of health, June 14, 2023 令和5年6月14日 

―――その思いでAs we strive for sustainable, inclusive growth. 本物だけを真心こめて
Thank you for reading Global Beauty Times.
Like brushing your teeth every day, good words and good teachings lead to a good life and work.
With that thought – As we strive for sustainable, inclusive growth. Only the real thing, wholeheartedly.

#motivation Management    How to Handle 3 Types of Difficult Coworkers
Difficult people exist in every workplace. Here are three common types of
problematic coworkers—and how to deal with them.
• The pessimist. This is the meeting-goer who can’t seem to find anything positive to say (ever) and even seems to enjoy coming up with all the different ways a project or initiative could fail. To handle this type of naysayer, acknowledge their complaints—then reframe them. You could present an alternative, more positive interpretation; ask them if they have any constructive ideas; or even formalize their role as “devil’s advocate” in team brainstorms.
• The passive-aggressive peer. This is the colleague who says one thing but does another, displays negative body language but insists everything is “fine,” and makes back-handed compliments that stick with you. To manage your working relationship, avoid calling them out. Instead, work to understand where they’re coming from. Focus on the underlying message and create a safe environment for the two of you to clear the air.
• The know-it-all (a.k.a., the person who thinks they’re the smartest one in the room). To handle the know-it-all, preemptively request that people refrain from interrupting in meetings, ask that people back up their opinions with facts, and model humility and open-mindedness on your team.


- 悲观主义者。这是个开会的人,他似乎找不到任何积极的东西可以说(永远),甚至似乎很喜欢想出一个项目或倡议可能失败的所有不同方式。要处理这种类型的反对者,要承认他们的抱怨,然后重新构建他们。你可以提出另一种更积极的解释;询问他们是否有任何建设性的想法;或者甚至正式确定他们在团队头脑风暴中扮演 "魔鬼代言人 "的角色。
- 被动攻击型的同事。这是一个说一套做一套的同事,表现出消极的肢体语言,但坚持认为一切都 "很好",并对你进行反手恭维。要处理好你们的工作关系,避免叫他们出来。相反,努力理解他们的想法。专注于潜在的信息,为你们两个人创造一个安全的环境,以清除空气。
- 万事通(又称 "认为自己是房间里最聪明的人")。要处理万事通,先发制人地要求人们不要在会议上插话,要求人们用事实来支持他们的观点,并在你的团队中树立谦逊和开放思想的榜样。

With heartfelt gratitude,
Thank you very much. Have a great day today!

Wishing you all the best and hoping you have many wonderful experiences to come.
その為にTry lots of new things. 新しい経験をたくさんしよう。

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