全球美徳倫・Global Beauty Times


A leader's strength is rooted in the depth of their mind. Polish yourself through self-awareness, overcome challenges with a positive mindset, resonate with others through emotional intelligence. Choose response over reaction, and maintain inner peace through mindfulness. In doing so, a leader truly exerts their influence.

GLOBAL BEAUTY TIMES 全球美徳倫One Word a Day: Global virtue ethics
Global Beauty Times 365 – 全球领导893,4 Matters of health, January 25,26, 2024 令和6年1月25,26日(木・金)

A leader's strength is rooted in the depth of their mind. Polish yourself through self-awareness, overcome challenges with a positive mindset, resonate with others through emotional intelligence. Choose response over reaction, and maintain inner peace through mindfulness. In doing so, a leader truly exerts their influence.

#You Witnessed an Aggressive Incident at Work—What Should You Do?
Workplace aggression—such as yelling, making belittling remarks, using threats, or spreading lies—is a destructive force at work. How should you intervene if you witness these kinds of behaviors? Here are some factors to consider before you take action.

First, remember that bystander interventions don’t need to happen immediately. In many situations, it may be wiser to approach the issue after a cooling-off period. This works best if the situation feels unsafe or you aren’t sure how to respond in the moment. On the other hand, if there’s an immediate threat to the target, swift action may be needed.

Then assess your relationship with the perpetrator. If you have a close and trusting relationship with them, it may be possible to engage in a candid, private conversation to address their behavior. On the other hand, if your relationship is more distant or strained, involving a trusted mediator or supervisor may be a more effective approach.

Next, understand the power dynamics at play. It’s crucial to acknowledge that individuals with more authority and influence can enact change by imposing consequences or setting new standards. If you’re not in that position, you can reach out to a manager, who can enforce accountability.









#How to Advocate for a Hybrid Work Arrangement
You want a hybrid work schedule—but your employer wants you back in the office full time. Here are some steps to help you negotiate for the arrangement you want.

First, try to understand your employer’s position. Initiate conversations with key decision-makers like your manager and your colleagues in HR. It’s also important to understand where your company leaders stand on the issue, so look closely at any statements they’ve made about returning to the office. This data will help you craft a better case for yourself.

Then develop a sound rationale for why you want hybrid flexibility. Whether you’re dealing with a painfully long commute to the office, your team is based across different time zones, or you’re juggling caregiving responsibilities, build a clear case for yourself.

Next, try to get your manager to warm up to your ideas. The best way to do this is to demonstrate your exceptional value, trustworthiness, and communication skills. Without those assets, you’ll be unlikely to get what you want.

Finally, pitch a thoughtful, logical schedule. Craft a weekly calendar that makes sense for your needs and won’t disrupt the flow of work for the team. And propose a trial period to test it out. Crucially, be confident but respectful when you make your ask—and be prepared to hear “no.”











The use of the mind, or the process of thinking, is a very important element in leadership. How the brain is used, especially how one thinks, feels, and reacts, greatly influences a leader's effectiveness. The following points are important to consider:

1. Self-awareness: Understanding your own way of thinking, emotions, strengths, and weaknesses is the first step in controlling the mind and maintaining balance.
2. Maintaining Positive Thinking: Having a positive mindset allows you to remain calm in difficult situations and provide inspiration.
3. Emotional Intelligence (EQ): EQ is the ability to manage your own emotions, understand the emotions of others, and respond appropriately. Leaders with high EQ can build good relationships and communicate effectively.
4. Response over Reaction: It's important to not react automatically, but to calmly assess the situation and choose the appropriate response.
5. Mindfulness and Reflection: Regular self-reflection and introspection deepen self-awareness and enable balanced decision-making.
By being aware of and practicing these elements, leaders can better control their thoughts and emotions, and exert effective leadership.









1. 自己認識: 自分自身の考え方、感情、強みと弱みを理解することは、心をコントロールし、バランスを保つための第一歩です。
2. ポジティブな思考の維持: ポジティブなマインドセットを持つことは、困難な状況でも落ち着いて対応し、インスピレーションを与えることができます。
3. 感情的知性(EQ): EQは、自分自身の感情を管理し、他者の感情を理解し、適切に対応する能力です。高いEQを持つリーダーは、人間関係を上手く築き、効果的なコミュニケーションを図ることができます。
4. 反応ではなく応答: 自動的な反応ではなく、状況を冷静に評価し、適切な応答を選ぶことが大切です。

5. マインドフルネスとリフレクション: 定期的に自分自身と向き合い、内省することで、より自己認識を深め、バランスの取れた判断を下すことができます。

Thank you for your support and I hope you‘ll good it! 
今日も一日をご機嫌で!共に顔晴りましょう。 ありがとうございました。
May you have many wonderful things in your life.あなたに、素敵な事が沢山ありますように。
ⒸKeiko Mizuno,水野敬子,2024, Global Beauty Times Premium