全球美徳倫・Global Beauty Times


Adversity is a test of our strength and an opportunity to show courage.

GLOBAL BEAUTY TIMES 全球美徳倫One Word a Day: Global virtue ethics
Global Beauty Times 365 – 全球领导891 Matters of health, January 24, 2024 令和6年1月24日(水)

Adversity is a test of our strength and an opportunity to show courage.

#How to Repair a Negative Perception of Your Work
Learning that others’ perception of you or your work doesn’t align with your own can feel destabilizing. But as difficult as it is to hear, learning how others view you can provide an opportunity for self-improvement and professional growth. Here are steps you can take to repair a negative perception of your work.

Reflect on the feedback. First, acknowledge your immediate emotional reaction. Then try to distance yourself and objectively assess the feedback as if it were about someone else. Then ask yourself: If 2% of the feedback were true, what actions would I take to change the perception? And how much effort am I willing to put in to do it?

Actively listen. Reach out to various colleagues you trust. Express your desire to continually improve, and ask for additional honest feedback. Keep it simple with these four questions: What do I do really well? What should I continue doing? Where can I improve? What should I stop doing? The goal is to listen actively and write down what’s said—without commenting or getting defensive.

Acknowledge misunderstandings or misbehavior. Apologizing for your part in any misunderstandings or shortcomings can go a long way in changing others’ perception of you—as long as you also ensure that you don’t repeat the behavior in the future.

Seek support and use talent development tools. Look to your manager or HR for resources to support growth in the competencies you’re trying to improve, and keep track of your progress with your manager over time.











Even if we are in the same organization or environment, it does not mean we share the same thoughts or values. To act without losing oneself in difficult situations, it is necessary to maintain a constant emotional stability. Before mastering time, managing emotions skillfully involves continually questioning one's own mind. Below are some good questions for the brain to practice and act calmly and composedly. Let's try self-examination
1. What can I learn from the current adversity?
2. What is the strongest aspect of myself that I can demonstrate in this difficult situation?
3. How can I control my emotions and take positive action?
4. How might this experience affect the future me?
5. How do I feel I have grown and evolved after overcoming this challenge?

1. 我能从当前的逆境中学到什么?
2. 在这个困难的情况下,我能展示自己最强大的一面是什么?
3. 我如何控制自己的情绪并采取积极行动?
4. 这次经历可能会如何影响未来的我?
5. 在克服这个挑战之后,我觉得自己是如何成长和进化的?


1. 私は現在の逆境から何を学べるのか?
2. この困難な状況で私が示せる最も強い側面は何か?
3. 私はどのようにして自分の感情をコントロールし、前向きな行動を取ることができるのか?
4. 今の経験が将来の自分にどのような影響を与える可能性があるのか?
5. この挑戦を乗り越えた後、自分はどのように成長し、進化していると感じるだろうか?

Thank you for your support and I hope you‘ll good it! 
今日も一日をご機嫌で!共に顔晴りましょう。 ありがとうございました。
May you have many wonderful things in your life.あなたに、素敵な事が沢山ありますように。
ⒸKeiko Mizuno,水野敬子,2024, Global Beauty Times Premium