全球美徳倫・Global Beauty Times


Emotions are your sea, but reason is your rudder.

Spring Festival 2024! Wishing you happiness and prosperity!

GLOBAL BEAUTY TIMES 全球美徳倫One Word a Day: Global virtue ethics
Global Beauty Times 365 – 全球领导910 Matters of health, February 11,12, 2024 令和6年2月11,12日(日・月)

Emotions are your sea, but reason is your rudder.

#Talking to Your Team About a Business Decision You Don’t Agree With

You won’t always agree with every decision senior leadership makes. But as a manager, you still have a responsibility to communicate those decisions to your team. Here’s how to prepare for these difficult conversations.

Start by regulating your own emotions. You need to bring a measured approach to the conversation with your team. Process your own feelings before you talk to them.

Then gather all the available information. Ask for clarity on how management reached the decision. What criteria were used? What alternatives were considered? What broader factors were in play that perhaps are outside your visibility?

When you do talk to your team, don’t throw senior management under the bus. You can acknowledge your disappointment and empathize compassionately with theirs—but stop short of showing anger or resentment.

Remember, your job is to explain the decision, not defend it. Providing clarity about the broader context and influences at play can summon a degree of empathy from your team—and the assumption of positive intent.

#A Calm and Balanced Approach Checklist

 Am I currently in a situation where my actions are easily swayed by emotions, or am I able to analyze the situation rationally and handle it calmly?
 How can I calm myself and regain composure in moments where I want to react emotionally?
 Instead of completely suppressing my emotions, how can I acknowledge them and use them to make rational decisions?
 In difficult decisions or confrontational situations, how can I keep my reason as the rudder and steer towards the best outcome?
 Can this artistic decision or judgment draw out the team's understanding and empathy, and paint a picture in the hearts of others?

"Effective leadership is not about making others feel the way you do but understanding how they feel." – Stephen R. Covey


 我现在是否处于容易被情感左右行为的情况中,还是能够理性分析情况并冷静处理?
 在我想要情绪化反应的瞬间,我该如何使自己冷静下来,重新获得镇定?
 不是完全压抑我的情感,我如何能够认识到它们,并利用它们做出理性的决定?
 在困难的决定或对立的情况中,我如何能够保持我的理性作为舵,引领至最佳结果?
 这种艺术性的决定或判断能否引出团队的理解和共鸣,并在他人心中绘制画面?



 私は現在、感情によって行動を左右されやすい状況にいるか、それとも理性的に状況を分析し、冷静に対処できているか?
 感情的に反応したくなる瞬間に、どのようにして自分自身を落ち着かせ、冷静さを取り戻すことができるか?
 感情を完全に抑えるのではなく、どのようにしてそれらを認識し、理性的な判断に役立てることができるか?
 困難な決断や対立する状況において、どのようにして自分の理性を舵として保持し、最良の結果に導くことができるか?
 この芸術的な決断や判断が、チームの理解と共感を引き出し、他人の心に描くことができるか?


Thank you for your support and I hope you‘ll good it! 
今日も一日をご機嫌で!共に顔晴りましょう。 ありがとうございました。
May you have many wonderful things in your life.
ⒸKeiko Mizuno,水野敬子,2024, Global Beauty Times Premium