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If you could have one hobby for life, what would it be?

Matters of health _ December 3, 2021(金) 令和3年12月3日(金)   
人間として成長に繋がる言葉Innovation and Creative, to vision happen with company and each people.


#At a grance
A New Dawn : The worst is now behind you, and positive new experiences are on the horizon.
You’ve endured storms over rough seas, but now the way is clear and smooth. From hereon in, you can expect the best. Wash away the negativity from your consciousness and past memories, and keep only the positive lessons and love. Don’t hang on to anything that could weigh you down, such as resentment or bitterness. Let it go! If you’ve gone through patterns of negativity in the past, this is the time so affirm: “ I now release the need to experience this life lesson. I extract whatever teachings I need to discover , and I move on to a life of harmonious and peaceful actions.” By pulling this, you’ve turned a corner in you life , wherein your prayers and positive thoughts are delivering new rays of Divine light to illuminate your present and future.

#In sight

Live selfishly and be prepared to take full responsibility for your actions.

To live according to others is the work of a coward who shuns responsibility.

If you can take responsibility for your own failures, then it doesn’t matter how reckless you are. We don’t have time to think about what other people or the world will think of us.
自分で失敗の責任を取れるなら、どんなに無茶な挑戦をしたっていいのだ. 他人や世間にどう思われるかなんてくだらないことを、考えている時間は僕らには与えられていないのだから

#On point ☚ パワフルな問い:自己肯定感を高め、成長思考を高める(DX Marketing)
If you could have one hobby for life, what would it be?

試してみたいことを3つ挙げてみて下さい、そのうちどれが、長期にわたってあなたの仕事や家庭の幸福と調和しますか? 人生を新しいレベルに高めようとした時には、趣味を持つことにより、がんばっても達成できない豊かさに今から準備・体験できます。 逆にいえば、趣味のない仕事人間は、日々が単純になり、人生も短い。

#Key Benefits:Resilience 強くしなやかな、

The concept of wise compassionate leadership
The Mind of the Leader
“How to Do Hard Things in a Human Way”

As a deep understanding of what motivates people and the courage to be transparent and to do what needs to be done, even when it is uncomfortable; and compassion as the quality of showing genuine care and concern for others, with a positive intention to support and help.

Our study of leaders and employees from more than 5,000 companies in nearly 100 countries has shown the extraordinary power of wisdom and compassion. Employees with leaders who show either wisdom or compassion have net positive experiences across the board. They enjoy and are engaged with their jobs and are less likely to burn out. But, when a leader demonstrates both wisdom and compassion, the impact on employee wellness and productivity is striking. Job satisfaction is 86% higher for an employee who works for a wise and compassionate leader than an employee who does not. In this case, the sum is much greater than the parts.

Not surprisingly, however, actually leading with this combination of wisdom and compassion isn’t easy. It takes learning and practice. The first big step is to unlearn what you might think “leadership” means and to relearn what it means to be human.

Very simply put, management is about managing others, about exercising executive control over people. Leadership, on the other hand, is about seeing and hearing others, setting a direction, and then letting go of controlling what happens next.

“If you start to think about what our role is as leaders, it’s actually quite simple,” Chris Toth, CEO of the medical device company Varian, told us. “Our role is not to be the ones who make the decision or to be the smartest person in the room. In fact, it can be exceptionally dangerous if the decision-making always goes to the leader. Instead, you must create a culture of compassion and empowerment that is accepting of diverse perspectives. This unlocks people’s creativity, productivity and happiness.”

To foster this type of leadership approach, it is critical to acknowledge that we are not our job titles, we are human beings, wanting to connect on a human level with other people. Here are four ways to bring more humanity to your leadership.

Most of us think we have to make a difficult, binary choice between being a good person or being a tough, effective leader. This is a false dichotomy. In truth, doing hard things is often the most human thing to do. There are two key ingredients — wisdom and compassion — and it takes learning and practice to lead with both, as well as some unlearning of conventional management habits. There are four important techniques you can apply in being a wise, compassionate leader: Remember the Golden Rule; Listen intently; Ask yourself how you can be of benefit; Stretch people to see their potential.

Remember the Golden Rule. ゴールデンルールを忘れないでください。
Compassion, at its root, is a desire to see others happy and a readiness to take action to help it happen. This is basically an expression of the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. The Golden Rule is a helpful step for putting wise compassion in action since it requires the consideration of another person’s point of view. When we are able to put ourselves in the other person’s shoes, we can take a fresh look at a challenging situation. We can take a moment to recognize that we have one view of the situation, but things may, and probably do, look very different from an- other person’s perspective. Although putting yourself in another person’s shoes is good for reflection, it is important to avoid thinking you know what the other person is feeling or experiencing. This is especially true in today’s increasingly diverse work environment. We need to balance putting ourselves in someone else’s shoes with not assuming we understand their reality, which requires good listening.
思いやりとは、相手の幸せを願う気持ちと、それを実現するために行動を起こす覚悟を意味します。これは、基本的には「黄金律」の表現です。 自分にしてもらいたいことを、人にもしてあげなさい。この黄金律は、相手の立場に立って考えることを必要とするため、賢明な思いやりを実行に移すためのステップとして役立ちます。相手の立場に立って考えることができれば、困難な状況を見直すことができます。自分が持っている状況の見方はひとつだが、相手の視点から見るとまったく違うものになるかもしれない、と気づくことができるのだ。相手の立場に立って物事を考えることは良いことですが、相手が何を感じ、経験しているかを知っていると思わないようにすることが大切です。これは、多様性が増している今日の職場環境では特に言えることです。相手の立場に立って考えることと、相手の現実を理解していると思い込まないことのバランスをとる必要があり、そのためにはよく聞くことが必要です。

Listen intently. 真剣に耳を傾ける。
We have two ears but only one mouth. This means we can—and should—listen twice as much as we speak. When you truly listen to others, they feel heard and seen, which satisfies one of our primary needs as humans. If you can listen intently, with an open mind and a willingness to learn, not only will you become wiser, but you can genuinely help others. If you have an important conversation coming up, take extra time to prepare. This can mean establishing the right kind of environment so that you can be fully present or setting an intention to really hear and feel what the other person wants and feels versus focusing on fixing a problem.


Ask yourself, how can I be of benefit?
A Chinese proverb says, “There is no way to compassion; compassion is the way.” Asking how you can be of benefit to others, though, is a “way to compassion.” Whenever you are about to engage with someone, take a moment to reflect on what might be going on for this person. What is challenging or going well? And then ask yourself: what support might they need to overcome their struggles? What nudge might they need to gain more self-awareness about their blind spots that are creating difficulties? Reflecting on these questions before you meet people will help to create a more human interaction focused on their growth and development.

中国のことわざに「情けに道なし、情けに道あり」というものがあります。しかし、自分がどうすれば人の役に立てるかを考えることは、"思いやりの道 "でもあります。誰かと関わりを持とうとするとき、その人に何が起こっているのかを考える時間を持ちましょう。何が困難なのか、それともうまくいっているのか。そして、自分自身に問いかけてみてください。その人が苦難を乗り越えるためには、どのようなサポートが必要でしょうか?困難をもたらしている自分の盲点を認識するために、どのような後押しが必要だろうか?人と会う前にこれらの質問を振り返ることで、その人の成長と発展に焦点を当てた、より人間的な交流を生み出すことができるでしょう。

Stretch people to see their potential.  自分の可能性を見出すために人を伸ばす。
We all want to perform and be appreciated. A good leader values who we are today but also challenges us to stretch ourselves and do better to realize more of our true potential. This is not easy. When someone is already doing well, pushing them to do better can be discouraging and demotivating. But leadership is not about trying to please people and make them feel content and at ease. Leadership is about supporting people by shining a light on things they may not want to face. Instead of shying away from these uncomfortable conversations, try to view your role to stretch people as an indication of true care for them.


When we practice wise compassion by bringing more of our humanity to our leadership, we can create a culture in which others increase their focus on real human connections. As leaders, we should never underestimate the impact we have on people. We have the power to control their livelihood. We have power over the work they do. And we have power over how they feel treated. This is a huge responsibility. This makes it of the utmost importance to do the hard work of leadership in a human way, so that we can be more successful in positively impacting people’s work experience, their sense of commitment, and their job performance.


Be a mindful global leader!  思い遣り深い真のリーダーになろう!
May you have many wonderful things in your life.
Try lots of new things. 新しい経験をたくさんしよう。


Copyright Ⓒ KEIKO Mizuno 水野敬子 SPACES,INC (webnode.jp) info@keishogrm.com
Use English in your daily life 英語を身近に使いましょうThank you for reading today.お読みいただいてありがとうございました。Behave smart and beautiful!! Moving forward with you.より美的健康を創造しよう、ご一緒にThank you for your support and I hope you‘ll good it! 今日も共に顔晴りましょう!!! This email contains information about Scientific evidence, SPACES’s research, insights, services, or events. このメールには、科学的に証明されたエビデンス、スぺ―シーズのリサーチ、インサイト、サービス、イベントなどに関する情報が含まれています。