全球美徳倫・Global Beauty Times


What’s your frame of mind today?

GLOBAL BEAUTY TIMES 12 全球美徳倫 “こころで人を動かす”考働:一日一語 
Matters of health, December 1(Thursday) 令和4年12月1日(木曜日)
As we strive for sustainable, inclusive growth. 感性(5感)に働きかけ人を動かす考働365

Thank you for your time for reading.

#wisdom _ 今日の言葉

Think of today as the best day of your life and enjoy it to the fullest!
Today is the best day of your life because it is based on all the experience and knowledge you have gained in your life, so you can have the best insight and seize the best opportunities!
Live and enjoy today, the best day of your life, to the fullest!
Then a tomorrow beyond the best awaits you!


#what‘s up!  _ Small Actions Make Great Leaders

チームが疲弊し、やる気を失い、消耗している場合、チームを活性化するためのいくつかの戦略を講じることができます。 まず、目的志向のキャリア対話を積極的に行い、それを日常化することです。社員は、自分が成長する道を歩んでいること、より大きな影響を与える機会があることを知りたがっています。また、社員が新しい機会に挑戦できるように、改善すべき点についての思いやりのあるフィードバックをしましょう。



Reenergize Your Team.
If your team is depleted, demotivated, and drained, there are a few strategies you can deploy to reenergize them. First, proactively initiate purpose-driven career conversations—and make them routine. People want to know they’re on a path of growth and opportunity for greater impact. Include caring feedback on areas to improve so that your employees are ready to take on new opportunities when they arise. Second, create team rituals that foster relationships and a sense of belonging. When people feel deeply connected to their peers, it energizes work and makes it more fun. You might open team meetings with a variety of prompts—for example, asking people to share something they’re grateful for that day or one word that describes how they’re feeling. The idea is that, over time, the team becomes a place of collective refuge and trust. Finally, rather than worrying about whether or not people are working enough, spend time helping people prioritize what’s most important. Help them eliminate non-value-added activities and connect each person’s work to the organization’s most important priorities. This will help create a sense of positive productivity as people engage in purposeful work rather than work for work’s sake.



* 今日の気分はどうですか?
* あなたは職場で誰とつながっていると感じますか?

* あなたが学びたいことは何ですか?
* あなたがより良い仕事をするために、私はどんな障害を取り除くことができますか?そして、同僚と一緒に、どうすれば最も役に立てるかを考えてみてください。従業員が仕事をうまくこなせるようにすることは、褒めたり、報酬を与えることと同じくらい重要です。

To Keep Your Best Employees, Ask Them These Questions. If you’re serious about retaining the people on your team (as you should be), consider conducting “stay” interviews. These are discussions where you ask loyal employees key questions to understand how engaged they are. The information you gather can help you tackle common retention issues. Here are four questions to try:

* What’s your frame of mind today? No matter what the response is — positive or negative — don’t negate their experience or move too quickly to solving a problem. Just listen, thank them for being honest, and ask for more information before moving toward a solution.
* Who do you feel connected to at work? Based on their response, explore what you can do to help them deepen those connections. Perhaps people from different departments can work on a company-wide event, a cross-division initiative, or take part in virtual discussion groups.
* What do you want to learn that will excite you and help you grow? This question signals that you care about their development and want to help them achieve their aspirations.
* What barriers can I remove for you to help you do your job better? Then brainstorm with your colleague how you can be most helpful. Ensuring people can do their jobs well is just as important as praise and rewards.

Thanks for reading and listening—and best wishes,
Keiko Mizuno 

Thank you for your support and I hope you‘ll good it! 
May you have any wonderful time in your life. 
そして Try lots of new things. 新しい経験をたくさんしよう。


Copyright Ⓒ Keiko Mizuno SPACES,INC (webnode.jp) info@keishogrm.com Use English in your daily life 英語を身近に使いましょうThank you for reading today.お読みいただいてありがとうございます。Behave smart and beautiful!! Moving forward with you.より美的健康を創造しよう、ご一緒に This email contains information about Scientific evidence, SPACES’s research, insights, services, or events. このメールには、科学的 に証明されたエビデンス、スぺ―シーズのリサーチ、インサイト、サービス、イベントなどに関する情報が含まれています。