全球美徳倫・Global Beauty Times


What do I know about their understanding of this topic?

GLOBAL BEAUTY TIMES 12 全球美徳倫One Word a Day: Global virtue ethics “こころで人を動かす”考働:一日一語

Matters of health, December 24(Saturday) 令和4年12月24日(土)
As we strive for sustainable, inclusive growth. 感性(5感)に働きかけ人を動かす考働365

Thank you for your time for reading.

#wisdom _ 今日の言葉

不要害怕失败。Don't fear failure.失敗を恐れるな。

不要担心失败。 Don't worry about failure. 心配することを心配するな。

失败教会我们如何成功。 Failure teaches us how to succeed. 失敗はどうしたら成功できるかを教えてくれる。

当你失败的时候,你就在成长。 When you're failing, you're growing. 失敗している時は、あなたは成長しているのだ。

#what‘s up!  _ Small Actions Make Great Leaders


* このトピックに対する聴衆の理解度について、私は何を知っているのか?
* 彼らは今、自分たちの現実について私に何を理解してほしいのか?
* プレゼンテーションの後に、どのように会話を続けることができるでしょうか。

When Presenting, Put Your Audience First. Being a great public speaker is about much more than making an attention-grabbing introduction, maintaining eye contact, and knowing what to do with your hands. It’s about addressing what your listeners want and need to hear—not what you want to say and how you want to say it. To make your presentation about your audience, start by asking yourself three questions.
* What do I know about their understanding of this topic? If your audience has minimal understanding of your subject, include some foundational education about it early in the presentation. Make sure to minimize jargon, acronyms, and technical terms that can confuse your listeners. If your audience is already educated about and experienced with your topic, meet them where they are.
* What do they want me to understand about their reality right now? Demonstrate compassion and understanding for their situation and feelings before you try to educate or persuade them about your position. You should also carve out time to stop talking and start listening. Yes, even if you’re the presenter, you can (and often should) engage in a dialogue rather than delivering a monologue.
* How can I continue a conversation beyond the presentation? Your listeners may have questions, challenges, or ideas that they want to share, but you may not have time to address everything during your allotted time. Proactively let them know how they can reach out to you after the fact—whether it’s staying after the meeting to chat, sharing your email address, or having them reach out to you via LinkedIn.

Insight, nurturing ability, and technique to see through the essence_137


Deciding on a Job Offer When You’re Still Interviewing Elsewhere. So, you’ve gotten a job offer — but you’re still waiting on another. You don’t want to pass up the opportunity that you know is a sure thing. But you also want to see how the hiring process plays out at the other company. What should you do? First, express excitement to the company that has made you an offer. Then ask for a week to make a final decision, and gauge the hiring manager’s reaction. If they seem chilly, ask them what a reasonable period of time would be — without providing more detail. You can even try to extend the timeline by asking to meet a few potential colleagues or to take a tour of the office. At the same time, contact the recruiter or hiring manager from the other company to reiterate your excitement for their job. Let them know that you have an offer from another company. Mention that you wouldn’t want to lose the offer if you’re not a viable candidate for the job, ask if you’re truly in the running, and listen carefully to the energy in the response. If they say you are a viable candidate, there’s great enthusiasm, and you’re far along in the interview process, you can ask if there’s anything else you can answer for them to make an offer. If it’s early in the interview process, you can see if they can expedite the rest of the process to determine if you’re the best candidate for the job. If they can speed things up, great! If they can’t, you’ll need to decide whether you want to take the risk of rejecting the offer you already have.

Thanks for listening—and best wishes,
Keiko Mizuno 

Thank you for your support and I hope you‘ll good it! 
May you have any wonderful time in your life. 
そして Try lots of new things. 新しい経験をたくさんしよう。

Copyright Ⓒ Keiko Mizuno SPACES,INC (https://spacesinc.webnode.jp/) info@keishogrm.com Use English in your daily life 英語を身近に使いましょうThank you for reading today.お読みいただいてありがとうございます。Behave smart and beautiful!! Moving forward with you.より美的健康を創造しよう、ご一緒に This email contains information about Scientific evidence, SPACES’s research, insights, services, or events. このメールには、科学的 に証明されたエビデンス、スぺ―シーズのリサーチ、インサイト、サービス、イベントなどに関する情報が含まれています。