全球美徳倫・Global Beauty Times


Things are constantly changing.

GLOBAL BEAUTY TIMES 1 全球美徳倫One Word a Day: Global virtue ethics “こころで人を動かす”考働:一日一語
Matters of health, January 19(Thursday) 令和5年1月19日(木曜日)
As we strive for sustainable, inclusive growth. 感性(5感)に働きかけ人を動かす考働365

#wisdom _ 今日の言葉   易の三義 変易・不易・昜簡






Henshi-yi means that everything never changes, not even for a moment. Uneasy means that there are always certain unchanging laws of change.

With easy-change, as long as we humans understand that law of change, the events of things are also easy to know, easy to understand and easy to apply to our lives.

Things are constantly changing.

Everything changes from moment to moment, but there are always certain unchanging laws.

Everything changes. And there is a constant and immutable law of change, and that law does not change.

If we look at that law honestly and try to understand it honestly, it is very easy and can be easily applied to our lives.



#what‘s up!  _ The Management Tips of the Day : Today’s Tip _   Prevent Negativity from Taking Over Your Team  ネガティブな感情に支配されないために
作为一名管理者,你需要不断把握团队的集体情绪--无论他们是对新的战略方向感到沮丧,还是对领导层的过渡感到焦虑,或是对最近的裁员感到不安。你如何防止这些负面的情绪动态在你的团队中发酵?首先,在你能够做到的范围内,改变导致消极情绪的情况,并向你的员工表示你认识到了他们的集体情绪并做出了改变。同时,重新评估带来负面能量的基本情况。你能以一种激发希望和积极性的方式来重构它吗?接下来,通过让团队的注意力回到集体目标或优先事项上,激发团队的活力。最后,练习 "反应调控"。这涉及到控制你对自己情绪体验的外在表达,以便为他人设定基调。你的员工把你作为他们应该感受到的信号来看待。如果你在应对具有挑战性的情况时保持积极和真实的姿态,你可以积极地影响团体的集体情绪。
As a manager, you need to constantly be taking the pulse of your team’s collective emotions—whether they’re frustrated with a new strategic direction, anxious about a leadership transition, or upset because of recent layoffs. How can you prevent these negative emotional dynamics from festering on your team? First, to the extent that you’re able, modify the situation that’s at the source of the negativity, and express to your employees that you recognized their collective emotion and made a change. At the same time, reappraise the underlying situation that’s brought on the negative energy. Can you reframe it in a way that inspires hope and positivity? Next, galvanize your team by returning its focus to a collective goal or priority. Finally, practice “response modulation.” This involves controlling your outward expression of your own emotional experience in order to set the tone for others. Your employees are looking to you as a signal of what they should feel. If you maintain a positive and authentic posture in response to a challenging situation, you can positively influence the group’s collective emotion.
最後に、"レスポンス・モジュレーション "を実践することです。

Insight, nurturing ability, and technique to see through the essence_ 162
Value, speed, and scale: A new era for operations in Asia



As Asia moves into the third year of the pandemic—against the backdrop of geopolitical and climate emergencies—inflation, scarcity, and volatility have become the new normal. While estimates vary on the amplitude and duration of this wave, virtually no one predicts a smooth landing.

The companies that thrive in the mid-21st century and beyond may be those that rethink and reshape their business practices now. CEOs need to make strategic choices in the face of these mounting uncertainties. And they need to mobilize their organizations to drive the end-to-end execution of those choices, which will require aspiration setting and role modeling from the very top. The organizations that get this right will be more adaptable, more resilient, and more sustainable—no matter what the future holds.




Asia is set to take center stage in this reinvention, for two big reasons. First, the region’s economies will continue to drive global growth. Investment in Asia has tripled over the past ten years, for example. The region was the destination for more than $1 of every $2 of new net investment in the past decade. Asia is on track to account for 40 percent of the world’s consumption and more than 50 percent of global GDP by 2040.

Second, Asia has the resources, capabilities, and ambition to drive change. The region is home to the largest and most important players in multiple industry sectors, from semiconductors and renewable-energy technologies to electronics-manufacturing services. Asian organizations have already pioneered many of the approaches that define world-class business practices today, from lean manufacturing to global business services.





While Asia offers an unmatched strategic opportunity, it also presents unparalleled operational complexities. The region is one of the most economically diverse in the world, with significant inequalities in income, education, and access to healthcare. And its energy-intensive, manufacturing-led economies must find a way to navigate the transition to a net-zero world.

We believe, however, that Asia’s dynamism, its existing economic strength, and its deep untapped potential make it an ideal environment for business innovation. For forward-thinking CEOs, Asia could be the proving ground for new business practices that can offer solutions to the major challenges of the next decade and beyond:








Energy, component, and raw-material prices are rising at their fastest rate in more than four decades. How can organizations respond to inflation and secure access to the physical resources they need?

Supply chain disruptions cost the average organization almost half of one year’s profits over the course of a decade. How can companies secure their supply chains to mitigate these costs?

Eliminating greenhouse-gas emissions will require companies to make significant tactical and strategic changes, and will account for much of an additional $130 trillion in global expenditure on capital assets by 2030. How can companies turn the net-zero transition into lasting competitive advantage?

The COVID-19 crisis forced companies across Asia (and the world) to compress years of planned digitization into just a few months. How can the region’s digital leaders maintain, or even accelerate, the speed and scale of that revolution and capture the most value from it?

Automation and digitization are transforming many roles. In China, Japan, and India, remote work, automation, and digitization will lead 70 million people to move to new occupations in the coming years. How can organizations prepare their workforce for this new world?

In this article, we examine the implications of these themes for companies across Asia. We will see how leading organizations are already transforming their business operations in response, turning challenges into new sources of value and sustainable competitive advantage.





Thanks for reading — and best wishes,
Keiko Mizuno 

Thank you for your support and I hope you‘ll good it! 
May you have any wonderful time in your life. 
そして Try lots of new things. 新しい経験をたくさんしよう。

Copyright Ⓒ Keiko Mizuno SPACES,INC (https://spacesinc.webnode.jp/) info@keishogrm.com Use English in your daily life 英語を身近に使いましょうThank you for reading today.お読みいただいてありがとうございます。Behave smart and beautiful!! Moving forward with you.より美的健康を創造しよう、ご一緒に This email contains information about Scientific evidence, SPACES’s research, insights, services, or events. このメールには、科学的 に証明されたエビデンス、スぺ―シーズのリサーチ、インサイト、サービス、イベントなどに関する情報が含まれています。