全球美徳倫・Global Beauty Times


"The brain is the only muscle that continues to grow until death. It's never too late to start studying." - Albert Einstein

GLOBAL BEAUTY TIMES 9 全球美徳倫One Word a Day: Global virtue ethics “こころで人を動かす”考働:一日一語

Matters of health, September 12, 2023 令和5年9月12日 next change-Shin-competency



#Cultivating Integrity and Ambition:  “Change“- 10. 意味記憶法で記憶力と業務の生産性を高める:意味記憶(意味を理解してから記憶する)

In order to remember something, you need to activate your brain with the thought, 'Let's understand it!' Children's brains have a strong ability to memorize information they hear directly (rote memorization): they remember through sound. On the other hand, adults' brains have developed thinking and understanding systems, so they 'store it after understanding the meaning (semantic memory).' Adults can only remember something once they understand how they can use it themselves. When you want to remember something, it's essential to say to yourself, 'Let's understand!' By primarily focusing on semantic memory, you can think about it, understand it, and engrave it into your memory. This is because as you become an adult, the number of brain cells decreases, but the network of abilities expands. The peak of brain function comes with age. Concerning memory, it's necessary to expand this network. When you attempt to memorize by mobilizing various parts of your brain that aim to think, understand, and remember (thought x understanding x memory), not only does your brain's network expand, but your brain's functionality also levels up. Let's imagine learning as a way to stimulate various parts of the brain."


#Deep Insights and Empirical Data: Exploring Success through Quotes
深入洞察与实证数据:透过引语探索成功 深い洞察と経験的データ:引用を通じて成功を探る





"Practical Approach to Long-Term Memory: Episodic Memory Technique

Utilize the amygdala, which is associated with emotions, and the hippocampus, known for memory regulation, to remember events as long-term memories unconditionally. It involves understanding the significance of emotionally charged events and recognizing them as vital information. When studying or learning, stimulate your emotions and engage with the material. Simply incorporating emotions into your learning process can significantly boost your memory.

Additionally, create a happy learning environment that suits your preferences. Establishing a psychologically safe environment may be challenging initially, but you can quickly change your mood. For example, study with a happy mindset in your favorite café, change your surroundings, or develop enthusiasm by finding aspects of your work that excite you. Research even suggests that by infusing your learning with excitement and engaging various parts of your brain through thinking, understanding, and memory (thought x understanding x memory), you can not only reduce study time by half compared to conventional methods but also enhance the memory itself, bringing it to its peak performance.

Especially when tackling challenging subjects, keeping your 'likes' nearby can elevate your study efficiency to the next level.

Practical Approach: Cultivating Habits
Spend one minute daily actively using your non-dominant hand. By engaging multiple brain regions simultaneously, you can further stimulate brain activity. Start by brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand for a minute each day. Initially, you may feel uncomfortable, but this discomfort is what stimulates your brain and updates its network. As you get used to it, try using chopsticks or writing with your non-dominant hand. Alternatively, incorporate the habit of using your non-dominant hand in daily activities like holding objects, opening doors, or pressing buttons.

By keeping your brain active, you can activate your entire brain.

Since the brain tends to favor information it already knows, pre-existing knowledge in a field can create a sense of familiarity and make learning enjoyable."









#Quote: 名言
"The brain is the only muscle that continues to grow until death. It's never too late to start studying." - Albert Einstein
"大脑是唯一一种在死亡前不断成长的肌肉。开始学习从不嫌晚。" - 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦
"脳は死ぬまで成長し続ける唯一の筋肉です。勉強は、いつからでも始めることができる遅すぎることはありません。" アルバート・アインシュタイン 

#Ask yourself:
inner Reflection Power: Enhancing Resilience Through Self-Dialogue
内在反思力量・自问自答的问题:透过自我对话增强韧性 内省的力:レジリエンスを高める自己対話
"Can you start learning something new right now?"


Enhancing Memory and Work Productivity with Semantic Memory: Activating the thought 'Let's understand!' is essential for memory. Children remember through sound, while adults remember after understanding the meaning. Brain function continues to grow even as we age, and by connecting thinking, understanding, and memory in learning, brain function improves. Imagine learning by stimulating various parts of the brain.


With heartfelt gratitude,
Thank you very much. Have a great day today!

Wishing you all the best and hoping you have many wonderful experiences to come.
その為にTry lots of new things. 新しい経験をたくさんしよう。

CopyrightⒸKeiko Mizuno Keisho.GlobalResourceManagement,,INC (https://spacesinc.webnode.jp/) info@keishogrm.com SPACES, INC. Use English in your daily life 英語を身近に使いましょう让英语成为你生活中的一部分。Thank you for reading today.お読みいただいてありがとうございます。今天的閱讀謝謝你。Behave smart and beautiful!! Moving forward with you.より美的健康を創造しよう、ご一緒に 让我们一起创造更美丽健康的生活。This email contains information about Scientific evidence, SPACES’s research, insights, services, or events. このメールには、科学的 に証明されたエビデンス、スぺ―シーズのリサーチ、インサイト、サービス、イベントなどに関する情報が含まれています。这封电子邮件包含有关科学证据、SPACES的研究、见解、服务或活动的信息。#coaching #counselling #compassion #アジャイル #motivation #leadership #growth mind-set #innovation #technology#透明性と情報開示の組織文化への影響 #brain #emotional intelligence #competency #shin-competency #シン・コンピテンシー #change Copyright(C),2023 敬章・グローバルリソースマネジメント株式会社 掲載記事を許可なく転載することを禁じます。