全球美徳倫・Global Beauty Times


"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. The most important thing is to have the courage to follow your own heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." - Steve Jobs

GLOBAL BEAUTY TIMES P12 全球美徳倫One Word a Day: Global virtue ethics “こころで人を動かす”考働:一日一語

Global Beauty Times premium 365 – 全球领导848 Matters of health, December 12, 2023 令和5年12月12日 

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. The most important thing is to have the courage to follow your own heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." - Steve Jobs
"你的时间是有限的,所以不要浪费时间过别人的生活。不要被教条所束缚 - 即按照他人思维的结果而生活。最重要的是要有勇气跟随自己的内心和直觉。它们已经知道你真正想要成为什么样的人。其他一切都是次要的。" - 史蒂夫·乔布斯
「あなたの時間は限られているので、他人の人生を生きることに時間を無駄にしてはいけません。ドグマに囚われることはない - 他人の考えが結果としてあなたの内部の声をかき消してしまうことを意味します。他人の意見に自分の内なる声が埋もれてしまわないように最も大切なのは、自分自身の心と直感を持ち続けることです。あなたの心と直感は何が本当にあなたにとって意味があるかを既に知っています。他のすべては二次的なものです。-スティーブ・ジョブズ」

#Recognize the Passionate Introverts on Your Team
Many of us mistakenly associate extroverted behaviors with passion, an assumption that can lead to unfair and counterproductive outcomes. Here’s how managers can take proactive steps to prevent this bias from harming more introverted employees.

First, invite people to share how they prefer to express their passion. Be sure to avoid judgmental reactions. Their style may not be intuitive to you, but it’s your job to recognize how they express themselves, regardless of whether it conforms to stereotypical expectations.

Then work with employees to bridge any gaps between their expressions and your perceptions. For example, if someone shares that they’re not comfortable with big, public displays of passion, invite them to share it through other forms of communication, such as written reports or one-on-one chats.

Finally, reward passionate performance—not performative passion. Whether you’re conducting a performance review, assigning important work, or giving promotions, raises, or bonuses, make sure you’re basing your decisions on meritocratic measures of performance. Doing so isn’t only fair to your employees—it’s fair to your organization.




最后,奖励激情表现 - 而不是表演性激情。无论是进行绩效评估、分配重要工作,还是给予晋升、加薪或奖金,确保你的决策基于绩效的功绩主义衡量标准。这样做不仅对你的员工公平,对你的组织也公平。




最後に、パフォーマンスのための情熱を報酬します - パフォーマンスを演出する情熱ではありません。パフォーマンスレビューを行う場合、重要な仕事を割り当てる場合、昇進、昇給、またはボーナスを与える場合でも、あなたの決定がパフォーマンスの実力主義的な尺度に基づいていることを確認してください。そうすることは、あなたの従業員にとって公平なだけでなく、あなたの組織にとっても公平です。

Building on the above discussion, employee potential refers to the ability and willingness to take on greater responsibilities and challenges within the organization, and to perform at a higher level in future roles. Furthermore, assessing potential includes recognizing the initiative and changes needed to prove that an employee is ready for the next step, beyond what they are currently doing. While there are many frameworks for assessing potential, I find the four characteristics of potential proposed by Claudio Fernández-Aráoz especially useful:

1. Curiosity: Not just wanting to know, but the desire to question the status quo.
2. Insight: The ability to gather and understand information that suggests new possibilities.
3. Engagement: Not just connecting with people, but truly empathizing and enhancing emotional intelligence.
4. Determination: The courage to overcome obstacles and turn them into stepping stones.


1. 好奇心:不仅仅是想要知道,而是质疑现状的愿望。
2. 洞察力:收集和理解暗示新可能性的信息的能力。
3. 投入:不仅仅是与人建立联系,而是真正地共情并提升情感智能。
4. 决心:克服障碍并将其转化为垫脚石的勇气。


1. 好奇心:ただ知りたいというだけでなく、現状に疑問を投げかける意欲。
2. 洞察力:新しい可能性を示唆する情報を収集し、理解する能力。
3. エンゲージメント:単に人々と繋がるだけでなく、本当に共感し、影響力を高める感情知能。
4. 決意:障害を克服し、それを踏み台に変える勇気。

"Today, are my decisions and actions truly based on my inner voice, or are they influenced by others' expectations and societal norms? Let's all practice treating others with kindness as well."
「今日、私の決断や行動は本当に自分の内なる声に基づいているか?それとも他人の期待や社会の基準に左右されているか?」 あなたも丁寧な人への言動を実践していきましょう。

Embrace Elegance and Wisdom: Creating a Future of Beauty and Wellness. 拥抱优雅与智慧:创造美丽与健康的未来。

With honor and gratitude, may joy find you. 怀着荣誉和感激,愿欢乐降临于你。深い感謝と敬意を持って、あなたの人生に素晴らしいことが起りますように. Keiko Mizuno 水野敬子 CopyrightⒸKeiko Mizuno