全球美徳倫・Global Beauty Times


The important thing is not to stop questioning.-Albert Einstein

Global Beauty Times premium 365 – 全球领导861 Matters of health, December 22,23,24, 2023 令和5年12月22,23,24日 

Highlights of the 2023 'From Insights to Impact' Global Leadership Mindset_1/3
2023年「从洞察到影响」全球领导力思维模式的亮点 1/3
2023年「インサイトからインパクトへ」グローバルリーダーシップマインドセットのハイライト 1/3

愛因斯坦:「重要的是不要停止提问。」アルベルト・アインシュタイン(Albert Einstein):
"The important thing is not to stop questioning."

马尔科姆·X:「教育是通往未来的护照,因为明天属于今天为之准备的人。」マルコムX(Malcolm X):
"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today."

居里夫人:「生活中没有什么可怕的,只有需要理解的。」マリー・キュリー(Marie Curie):
"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood."

「2023年、私たちはどのようにして「インサイトからインパクトへ」の変革を実現しましたか?」"How did we achieve the transformation 'From Insights to Impact' in 2023?"

#Making a 4-Day Workweek Work for Your Team
A growing body of evidence suggests that a four-day workweek is not only feasible, but also potentially advantageous when it comes to employee well-being and retention. But what does this new approach to work actually require from managers? You need to streamline operations, remove administrative burdens, and prioritize high-impact work. Here’s how.

Clearly define the work that matters. Lay out clear team-level goals and identify the work that directly contributes to those priorities.

Run a meeting audit. Meetings are often scrutinized as unproductive time. Work with your team to cancel recurring meetings that could really be “just an email” or to shorten meetings that could be half an hour instead of a full hour.

Allow employees to operate to the full extent of their education and training. Many employees are bogged down with administrative or menial tasks that inhibit them from focusing on high-priority responsibilities. Look for ways to streamline, automate, or outsource that work.

Embrace asynchronous communication. To maintain employee focus and boost efficiency, establish a clear understanding of what requires real-time dialogue and why.











Embrace Elegance and Wisdom: Creating a Future of Beauty and Wellness. 拥抱优雅与智慧:创造美丽与健康的未来。

With honor and gratitude, may joy find you. 怀着荣誉和感激,愿欢乐降临于你。深い感謝と敬意を持って、あなたの人生に素晴らしいことが起りますように. Keiko Mizuno 水野敬子 CopyrightⒸKeiko Mizuno