全球美徳倫・Global Beauty Times


"The most important thing is not to think, but to act." - Peter F. Drucker

GLOBAL BEAUTY TIMES 全球美徳倫One Word a Day: Global virtue ethics
Global Beauty Times 365 – 全球领导905 Matters of health, February 7, 2024 令和6年2月7日(水)

#How to Stop Ruminating
It’s totally normal to ruminate on stressful situations, whether it’s a nagging problem at work or a personal conflict that’s making you anxious. The good news? Improving your ability to stay present can help you set aside stressors that you can’t immediately resolve. Here are some strategies to break the cycle of rumination.

First, anchor yourself. Take a moment to feel the weight of your feet on the floor, then consider: “What am I thinking? What am I feeling in my body right now? What am I doing right now?” Then ask yourself: “Are my thoughts helping me in this moment?”

Then try to take your thoughts less seriously. Rather than allowing negative ideas to feel like dictators in your life, gain some perspective by observing them from a distance and reminding yourself that they’re just thoughts.

Next, don’t fight uncertainty. While accepting uncertainty might mean sitting with some amount of fear, the alternative is to try to micromanage reality, which simply isn’t possible.

Finally, validate yourself and what you’re feeling. Simply legitimizing your negative emotions can help diffuse stress and rumination. For example, you might think something like: “I have the right to feel nervous.” Naming an emotion—and giving yourself permission to feel it—can help you move past its initial intensity.







まず、自分を固定します。足の重みが床に感じられる瞬間を取り、次に考えます。「私は何を考えているのか? 今、体で何を感じているのか? 今、何をしているのか?」それから自問します。「私の思考はこの瞬間において私を助けているか?」




#Thinking deeply in itself is not a bad thing, but management that does not translate thoughts into actions can be a significant loss for teams and organizations. The management has the responsibility to transform thoughts into actions, to show and lead.

"The most important thing is not to think, but to act." - Peter F. Drucker

This does not deny the importance of thinking but rather emphasizes the value of translating thoughts into actual actions. It shows that management, by not just staying with thoughts but turning them into concrete actions, can positively impact the organization and team.

Techniques for realizing actions include "planning of action" and "accumulation of small victories." Here are the specific steps introduced:

#Planning of Action
 Clarification of Goals: The first step in translating thoughts into action is to clarify what you want to achieve. Set specific and measurable goals.
 Setting Priorities: Since it is impossible to do everything at once, it is important to tackle the most important tasks in order.
 Clarification of Action Steps: List the specific steps needed to achieve the goals. Ensure each step is small and actionable.
 Setting Deadlines: Set deadlines for each step and track progress.

#Accumulation of Small Victories
 Start with Small Goals: Build confidence by accumulating small successes before tackling big goals.
 Utilize Feedback: Adjust and improve the plan based on the results of actions. Actively seeking feedback from the team is also important.
 Share Results: Sharing even small achievements with the team can increase motivation and strengthen team unity.
By employing these techniques, leaders can serve as an example and encourage others to take action as well. Leadership should be demonstrated not just with words, but through actions.

“最重要的不是思考,而是行动。” - 彼得·F·德鲁克

• 目标明确化:将思考转化为行动的第一步是明确你想要实现的目标。设定具体且可衡量的目标。
• 优先级设定:因为不可能同时做所有事情,所以按顺序处理最重要的任务很重要。
• 行动步骤明确化:列出实现目标所需的具体步骤。确保每个步骤都是小而可行的。
• 设定期限:为每个步骤设定期限,并跟踪进度。

• 从小目标开始:在着手大目标之前,通过积累小成功来建立信心。
• 利用反馈:根据行动的结果调整和改进计划。积极寻求团队的反馈也很重要。
• 分享成果:即使是小成就,也与团队分享,可以增加动力并加强团队凝聚力。



#最も重要なことは、考えることではなく、行動することです。- ピーター・F・ドラッカー



 目標の明確化:考えを行動に移す最初のステップは、何を達成したいのかを明確にすることです。具体的かつ測定可能な目標を設定します。
 優先順位の設定:すべてを同時に行うことは不可能なので、最も重要なタスクから順に取り組むことが重要です。
 行動ステップの明確化:目標を達成するための具体的なステップをリストアップします。それぞれのステップが小さく、実行可能なものであることを確認します。
 期限の設定:各ステップに期限を設定し、進捗を追跡できるようにします。

 小さな目標から始める:大きな目標に取り組む前に、小さな成功を積み重ねることで自信をつけます。
 フィードバックの活用:行動の結果に基づいて、計画を調整し、改善します。チームからのフィードバックを積極的に求めることも重要です。
 成果の共有:小さな成果でもチームと共有することで、モチベーションの向上とチームの結束力を高めます。

Thank you for your support and I hope you‘ll good it! 
今日も一日をご機嫌で!共に顔晴りましょう。 ありがとうございました。

ⒸKeiko Mizuno,水野敬子,2024, Global Beauty Times Premium