全球美徳倫・Global Beauty Times


What is the best way to prepare in less time? Is there a good way to prepare without changing the time?

Matters of health _ December 15, 2021(水) 令和3年12月15日(水) 
人間として成長に繋がる言葉Innovation and Creative, to vision happen with company and each people.



#Awareness: Every day is a new day, every meeting a lifetime.
You’re Being Helped : “ Heaven is working behind the scenes to help you, even if you don’t see results yet.”
Your manifestation is being worked out right now, even if you can’t see tangible proof. As an analogy, when sailors get close to land, they often see signs of life, such as birds flying or branches floating in the ocean. You’re urged to notice signs that “Land” (your manifestation) is near. Even if you can’t yet see evidence that your manifestation is in process, this assures you that your prayers have been heard and answered. Stay centered in faith and gratitude in order to open the door to your desires.

#Belief : Zest is the secret of all beauty. There is no beauty that is attractive with out zest.

You can confidently talk about what you want to do, not what you have done.
The potential of youth is the greatest asset of all.

There is no need to be humble because you are nobody.

You have the potential to become something else, so act with confidence.

This will lead to your future.

#One Point: 自己肯定感、重要感に氣づきを与える問い
What is the best way to prepare in less time? Is there a good way to prepare without changing the time?



#Key Benefits:Resilience 強くしなやかな、こころを育てる人間力教育(VUCA時代を生き抜くヒント)

Use Networks to Drive Culture Change
Surveying employees about their values has its limits. You’ll gain more insight into organizational culture — and find targeted ways to change it — by also analyzing patterns of collaboration.

Few habits are harder to break than “the way we do things around here.”

Organizational culture is notoriously difficult to change, in part because it reflects people’s values — their deeply held beliefs about what is good, desirable, and appropriate. Relationships can complicate matters further. When colleagues are embedded in informal networks with others who share and reinforce their values, they often become entrenched rather than open to new attitudes and behaviors.

But it doesn’t have to be like that. Those same networks can also help leaders identify and overcome obstacles to cultural change and discover unexpected allies.

組織文化は、人々の価値観、つまり何が良いか、何が望ましいか、何が適切かについて深く信じていることが反映されていることもあり、変えるのが難しいことで知られています。 また、人間関係が問題をさらに複雑にします。同僚が自分の価値観を共有し、強化してくれる人たちとの非公式なネットワークに組み込まれている場合、彼らは新しい態度や行動に対してオープンになるどころか、凝り固まってしまうことがよくあります。


Our research and practical experience have shown that many leaders aren’t aware of this potential, largely because traditional assessments of organizational culture tend to focus on finding commonality.

One popular approach is to use surveys to assess employees’ values, attitudes, norms, and behaviors and then average the responses to gauge where the organization as a whole stands.

Another approach is to conduct deep interviews and then craft personas illustrating how “typical” employees’ values guide their behaviors.

Because these approaches reveal central tendencies, they miss powerful insights about where people differ in their values.

Rather than calculating an average score — say, a 4 — on a given value, leaders need to know where the pockets of 3s and 5s (and even the clusters of 1s and 2s) are. And they need to see who is interacting with whom within and between those pockets and clusters if they want to persuade people to embrace new cultural priorities.





Combining survey data with network analysis is a useful way to gain that insight. (See “Map Your Team’s Values.”) Mapping patterns of collaboration in an organization provides a kind of X-ray view of its inner workings. It shows, for example, where people are separated by silos in a network, who is isolated on the periphery, which individuals are opinion leaders, and which ones are uniquely situated to connect people and integrate different values. Once leaders know all that, they can pursue cultural change in a more targeted manner.

Structure, strategy, people, management style, systems and procedures, guiding principles, and shared values, or corporate culture. Finally, there are the present and hoped for corporate strengths or skills.
機構(structure)、戦略(strategy)、ひと(people)、経営の型(management style)、体系と手順(systems and procedures)、指針となる理念(guiding principles)、および企業文化ともいうべき共通の価値観(Shared values)、最後に現有する(または望ましい)企業の強さ、あるいは技術(Present and hoped for corporate strengths or skills)の七つである。そして、それを動かすThe five words are Seiri, Seiton, Seisou, Seiketu and Situke.  その5つの言葉とは、整理(Seiri)、整頓(Seiton)、清掃(Seisou)、清潔(Seiketu)、躾(Situke)のことを指します。巨大企業トヨタが実践して成功した5つ。テスラはこの5Sと5Sを人間が出来ない所はScience化したからこそトヨタを抜いた。テスラは徹底した人創り。こころづくりのプロ集団であると私はみている

May you have many wonderful things in your life.
Try lots of new things. 新しい経験をたくさんしよう。

With my sincerest gratitude and appreciation,
Copyright Ⓒ KEIKO Mizuno 水野敬子 SPACES,INC (webnode.jp) info@keishogrm.com
Use English in your daily life 英語を身近に使いましょうThank you for reading today.お読みいただいてありがとうございました。Behave smart and beautiful!! Moving forward with you.より美的健康を創造しよう、ご一緒にThank you for your support and I hope you‘ll good it! 今日も共に顔晴りましょう!!! This email contains information about Scientific evidence, SPACES’s research, insights, services, or events. このメールには、科学的に証明されたエビデンス、スぺ―シーズのリサーチ、インサイト、サービス、イベントなどに関する情報が含まれています。