全球美徳倫・Global Beauty Times


What's next? あなたは何に挑戦してますか?

Medical Detox - みんなで幸せになる為の技術
Keep a stance of challenging by 99%. 99%_挑戦し続ける。

It is impossible to put up a flag of ideal unless you are put under against wind.

Whatever ideal you hold, the ideal may result in nothing but just an escape from reality unless you have a determination to face difficulty on your own in order to realize the ideal. いくら理想を掲げても、それを現実のものとするために自ら困難へ飛び込んでいく行動がなければ、理想はただの現実逃避にしかならない。

Keep challenging if you want to live with your ideal.

Any person without an intention to challenge is not qualified to raise an ideal. 

愛と勇氣が未来を創る。Good job today!!!