全球美徳倫・Global Beauty Times


Is there anything I can help with today in case you’d like to leave a little early?

GLOBAL BEAUTY TIMES 12 全球美徳倫 “こころで人を動かす”考働:一日一語 
Matters of health, December 10(Saturday) 令和4年12月10日(土曜日)
As we strive for sustainable, inclusive growth. 感性(5感)に働きかけ人を動かす考働365

Thank you for your time for reading.

#wisdom _ 今日の言葉

Let’s not think that we can’t do something because we don’t know, but that we will know if we try.
Just as you can tell everything by taking a taste of the food in front of you, rather than continually thinking about what it tastes like, you need to taste it in order to act on it!
Life is short and we don’t have time to dwell on things we can’t even think about.


#what‘s up!  _ Small Actions Make Great Leaders


How to Move Forward After Being Laid Off. Losing a job is hard. If you’ve recently been laid off, here’s how you can move forward with confidence and patience. First, understand that it’s not personal. People are laid off for many reasons, most of which are rarely about the performance of individual employees and completely out of your control. Don’t make looking for a job your only job. To protect yourself from burnout, decide which part of your day you’ll dedicate to your job hunt and how you’ll go about it. Next, be honest with people. Don’t be afraid to share your story. You’ll be amazed by how quickly people offer to support you, which is critical to keeping you in the right frame of mind, especially in the earliest days after a layoff. Finally, be patient. It can take six months or longer to find a job, and the timeline varies by industry. Stay open to new opportunities while you wait for a big win. Temping or freelancing in the meantime keeps you gainfully employed, occupied, and also helps you expand your network.




例えば、"今日は少し早く帰りたいんだけど、何か手伝えることはある?"と言ってみてはどうでしょう。あるいは、"何かお手伝いできることがあれば、喜んでお引き受けします "といった具合です。


Offer Support to a Grieving Colleague. When your colleague is grieving a loss, you want to be supportive without overstepping. So what should you do? Start by offering privacy. It’s important to give them the space to process. Let them approach you when, and if, they are ready. At the same time, you want to show that you are there for them should they need you. You can say something simple like, “I’m thinking of you,” or “I’m happy to just sit with you while we both sip our coffee, if you'd like.” Perhaps the most helpful thing you can do is to offer support with work. Your grieving colleague may be feeling the pressure to perform, especially if they’re returning to deadlines after a bereavement period. You might say something like “Is there anything I can help with today in case you’d like to leave a little early?” Or, “I’m happy to take something off your plate, if that helps.” Your goal should be to help your coworker return to their daily routine, without judging them for how they’re coping with their loss, and giving them the time they need to deal with it in their own way.

Thanks for reading and listening—and best wishes,
Keiko Mizuno 

Thank you for your support and I hope you‘ll good it! 
May you have any wonderful time in your life. 
そして Try lots of new things. 新しい経験をたくさんしよう。

Copyright Ⓒ Keiko Mizuno SPACES,INC (https://spacesinc.webnode.jp/) info@keishogrm.com Use English in your daily life 英語を身近に使いましょうThank you for reading today.お読みいただいてありがとうございます。Behave smart and beautiful!! Moving forward with you.より美的健康を創造しよう、ご一緒に This email contains information about Scientific evidence, SPACES’s research, insights, services, or events. このメールには、科学的 に証明されたエビデンス、スぺ―シーズのリサーチ、インサイト、サービス、イベントなどに関する情報が含まれています。