全球美徳倫・Global Beauty Times


Do you need to lead differently?

One Word a Day: Global virtue ethics “こころで人を動かす”考働:一日一語

Matters of health, December 22(Thursday) 令和4年12月22日(木)
As we strive for sustainable, inclusive growth. 感性(5感)に働きかけ人を動かす考働365

Thank you for your time for reading.

20年目を記念して💫😊HOPEチャンネル ライブ - HOPEチャンネル | stand.fm

#wisdom _ 今日の言葉

Have a healthy body and a sound mind!
Take good care of own honest feeling, curiosity and intuition to move forward.

Look for the possibility to create a sounder world by developing a sincere heart and using the management power.

Use all kinds of best materials in the world, respect people, enhance the quality of accountability and continue managing the company until you succeed with a view to realizing all possibilities.

Wellness is a state where you are physically, mentally and socially capable of doing everything you want to do and wellness is the means for the purpose. In other words, healthcare is used as a means to realize wellness.
 ウェルネスとは、肉体的・精神的・社会的に満たされるための行動をとっている状態であり、ヘルスケアはそのための手段となります。 つまり、ウェルネスを実現するためにヘルスケアという手段を用いるのだと言えます。 「ウェルネス」が実現し、より幸福で肉体的、精神的、社会的に満たされた状態を「ウェルビーイング」と整理することができます。

#what‘s up!  _ Small Actions Make Great Leaders


* それは仕事の一部であることを受け入れる。
* 公平性にこだわらない。
* 感情ではなく、事実でまっすぐに記録を設定します。
* 謙虚で、透明で、オープンマインドであれ。
* 行動を起こし、報告する。

How to Handle Public Criticism from Employees. As a leader, all eyes are on you. Sometimes that attention will be positive—but when things go badly, not so much. If you’re facing criticism from your employees, what’s the best way to respond? Here are some strategies that can help when you’re in the (public) eye of the storm.

* Accept that it’s part of the job.
Given the number of decisions you make each week, you’ll inevitably get things wrong and disappoint people from time to time. If you focus too much on the failures, you’ll risk losing confidence, clouding your judgment in the future.

* Don’t focus on fairness.
Rather than focusing on whether or not you deserve the blame, focus instead on solving the problem, responding to anyone who’s been harmed, and learning from what happened.

* Set the record straight with facts, not emotions.
Defensiveness will only fuel people’s derision. If there’s inaccurate information feeding the frenzied reactions, do what you can to replace it with facts.

* Be humble, transparent, and open-minded.
Ask yourself what lessons you can learn from the experience. Do you need to lead differently? Have you made unfounded assumptions? Look closely enough, and you’ll find important insights.

* Take action and report back.
Commit to a new direction, clarifying what you’ll change and how you’ll avoid repeating the problem—and update your team on progress over time.

Insight, nurturing ability, and technique to see through the essence_135

Stable lifestyle habit _ Live your life by prioritizing health
To start with, eight weeks, give it a try in preparation for the new year.
It is unexpectedly easy to live the life for you endowed with power for action and capable of making efforts.
生活習慣の安定 _ 健康を最優先にして生きる

 The strongest habits to stay in good mood
1. Seven hours’ sleep
2. Healthy eating habits
3. Twice-a-week exercise
You will be mentally stable when there is a good balance between the autonomic nervous system and hormone secretion
1. 7時間睡眠
2. 健康的な食生活 
3. 週2回の運動
The more pride you have, “the more you are modest and calm”.
You do not need to show off yourself because you know your capability.

Take your life easy 心を静かに  and
live in peace 気楽に生きましょう

☆ご機嫌でいる為の最強のこころがけ _ 「Compassion思いやり」
1. Remember to be grateful. 感謝を忘れない
2. Value your “love”. 「好き」を大切にする
3. Treat people gently 人に優しく接する
4. Make it a habit to remind yourself that "All will be well" and “Things will work out”, no matter what happens.
何が起きても「きっと、うまくいく=All is Well.」または「なんとかなる」を口癖にしてみる
5. Convey your feelings openly 自分の気持ちを素直に伝える
6. Value honor and human kindness 義理人情を守る
7. Always keep a smile and greet clearly 常に笑顔で挨拶はハッキリとする
8. Don’t risk your life to work 仕事に命をかけない
9. Don’t change your attitude depending on who you're speaking to. 人によって態度を変えない
10. Don't swear (if you feel like saying something, wait for 5 seconds and take a deep breath!)悪口を言わない(いいたくなったら、5秒待つ。深呼吸をしよう!)
11. Make it a rule to take a time to rest (carefree time) ホッと一息つく時間(気楽タイム)を定期的に作る
12. Keep to time. 時間を守る
13. Listen to people 人の話を聴く
14. Just give it a try. とりあえず、やってみる
15. Look yourself in the mirror 鏡をみる 
16. Wash your hands 手を洗う
17. Do some exercise 運動する
18. Be sure to look clean and tidy 清潔な装いをする
19. Walk in nature 自然の中を歩く
20. Speak politely. 丁寧な言葉遣いをする
21. Keep a good posture 姿勢を美しくする

 How to prevent yourself from getting in a bad mood
1. Ask yourself “what I think, if what happens is so and so?”
2. Decide to “do this and that, if what happens is so and so”.

As above, give it a try for 8 weeks and look back every day.
Take it easy and you will like yourself and be kind to others.

Today 20 years ago, I established my company with the aim to realize Well-being relying on my experience of nursing care for my mother with intractable disease and experience of working in a life science company. There have been many things. Thank you very much for your continuous support. I will continue to send “Global Compensation” for leaders to validate and analyze the world’s cutting edge technologies and review the lifestyle habits with you.
_ リーダーの為の“Global Compensation”をお届けいたします。

I hope sweet smile and light will get to you all.

Thanks for listening—and best wishes,
Keiko Mizuno 

Thank you for your support and I hope you‘ll good it! 
May you have any wonderful time in your life. 
そして Try lots of new things. 新しい経験をたくさんしよう。

Copyright Ⓒ Keiko Mizuno SPACES,INC (https://spacesinc.webnode.jp/) info@keishogrm.com Use English in your daily life 英語を身近に使いましょうThank you for reading today.お読みいただいてありがとうございます。Behave smart and beautiful!! Moving forward with you.より美的健康を創造しよう、ご一緒に This email contains information about Scientific evidence, SPACES’s research, insights, services, or events. このメールには、科学的 に証明されたエビデンス、スぺ―シーズのリサーチ、インサイト、サービス、イベントなどに関する情報が含まれています。