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How might you divide your role between you and a robot?

One Word a Day: Global virtue ethics “こころで人を動かす”考働:一日一語

Matters of health, February 24/25/26, 2023 令和5年2月24・25・26日
As we strive for sustainable, inclusive growth. 感性(5感)に働きかけ人を動かす考働365

#今日の言葉  リーダーシップは肩書きの問題ではない


- 自分の強みを活かす。まず、自分に問いかけてみてください。

- 日々の研鑽に時間を割く。

- 人とつながる。

Leadership Isn’t About Your Job Title

You don’t need to be the boss to be a leader. Here are three actions you can take to hone your leadership skills right now and become a highly respected and influential team member.

• Embrace your existing strengths. Start by asking yourself: Which tasks at work feel most energizing and natural to you? Which projects do you excel at and enjoy? What unique perspective do you bring to the table? Your strengths, identity, and interests are what set you apart. The more you understand yourself, the more you’ll be able to carry yourself with the confidence of a leader.
• Devote time to daily development. Improving your skills will help you expand your impact and influence. For example, maybe your organization values leaders who can back up their ideas with hard data and insights, or those who project empathy, curiosity, and compassion. Whatever it is, take note and prioritize developing those skills and projecting growth on a daily basis.
• Connect with people. Whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert (or somewhere in between), you can establish the kinds of meaningful relationships that are key to building influence on your team. Commit to being vulnerable, authentic, and empathetic in your interactions with your colleagues.

#what‘s up!  _ Interrupt Your Anxiety at Work 仕事中の不安を解消する

If you’re a high achiever who feels bogged down by anxiety—worrying about worst-case scenarios, stewing over mistakes, comparing yourself with others—you can take action to overcome this common emotion.
• Make the anxiety an ally. Ask yourself probing questions like “What exactly is worrying me?” “Is it a person, a situation, or a potential outcome?” “Why am I anxious about that?” When you identify the source, you can address it with more intention and focus.
• Practice self-compassion. Approach yourself more positively by replacing self-judgment with self-kindness. You’ll feel better, think more clearly, and escape the thought traps.
• See the humor. Will your typo actually cause you to get fired? Is it solely your fault that your company didn’t meet its sales goals? Of course not! If you can acknowledge that absurdity and let it amuse you, you’ll loosen up.
• Try guided meditation. Magic happens when you take some time to pause and reset. Try meditating to the words of another person, giving you something other than your own thoughts to focus on.
• Say no to the negative thought. When you notice an anxious thought creeping in, interrupt it by saying “No” or “Stop” or “Not today!” The more you engage in this habit, your brain will learn the cue to break free of an anxiety-fueled thought before it traps you.

- 不安を味方につけるのです。自分にこう問いかけてみてください。「いったい何が心配なんだろう?「それは人なのか、状況なのか、それとも起こりうる結果なのか?"なぜ私はそれに不安を感じているのだろう?" 原因を特定すれば、より意図的かつ集中的に対処することができます。
- 自己慈しみを実践する。自己判断の代わりに自己慈しみをもって、よりポジティブに自分にアプローチしてみましょう。あなたはより良い感じ、より明確に考え、思考の罠を逃れることができます。
- ユーモアを見る。あなたのタイプミスは、実際に解雇される原因になるのでしょうか?会社が売上目標を達成できなかったのは、あなたのせいだけでしょうか?もちろん、そんなことはありません。その不条理を認め、それを楽しませることができれば、あなたは緩むでしょう。
- ガイド付き瞑想を試してみる。一時停止してリセットする時間を取ると、魔法が起きます。他の人の言葉に合わせて瞑想してみると、自分の考え以外に集中できるものがあります。
- 否定的な思考にノーと言う。不安な考えが忍び込んできたら、「ノー」「ストップ」「今日はダメ!」と言って、それを中断させます。この習慣を続けるうちに、あなたの脳は、不安に駆られた考えがあなたを閉じ込める前に、その考えから抜け出すための合図を覚えていきます。

Insight, nurturing ability, and technique to see through the essence_ 196
Make Learning a Part of Your Daily Routine

In our increasingly “squiggly” careers, where people change roles more frequently and fluidly and develop in different directions, the ability to unlearn, learn, and relearn is vital for long-term success. It helps us increase our readiness for the opportunities that change presents and our resilience to the inevitable challenges we’ll experience along the way. Adaptive and proactive learners are highly prized assets for organizations, and investing in learning creates long-term dividends for our career development. Based on their experience designing and delivering career development training for over 50,000 people worldwide, the authors present several techniques and tools to help you make learning part of your day-to-day development.

Our capacity for learning is becoming the currency we trade on in our careers. Where we once went to work to learn to do a job, learning now is the job. Adaptive and proactive learners are highly prized assets for organizations, and when we invest in our learning, we create long-term dividends for our career development.

Reid Hoffman, the founder of LinkedIn, shared that when assessing founders of potential investments, he looks for individuals who have an “infinite learning curve”: someone who is constantly learning, and quickly. Satya Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft, echoed the importance of learning when he said, “The learn-it-all will always do better than the know-it all.”

However, it’s not as simple as acquiring new knowledge. In our increasingly “squiggly” careers, where people change roles more frequently and fluidly and develop in different directions, the ability to unlearn, learn, and relearn is vital for long-term success. Based on our experience designing and delivering career development training for over 50,000 people worldwide, working with organizations including Virgin, Unilever, and Microsoft, we’ve identified several techniques and tools to help you make learning part of your day-to-day development.




リンクトインの創業者であるリード・ホフマン氏は、投資先の創業者を評価する際に、「無限学習曲線」を持つ人物、つまり常に素早く学習する人物を探していると話しています。マイクロソフトのCEOであるサティア・ナデラも、"The learn-it-all will always do better than the know-it all "と言って、学習の重要性を強調しています。


Since we spend so much of our time, energy, and efforts at our day jobs, they provide the most significant opportunities for learning. The challenge is that we don’t invest intentionally in everyday development — we’re so busy with tasks and getting the job done that there’s no space left for anything else. Deprioritizing our development is a risky career strategy because it reduces our resilience and ability to respond to the changes happening around us. Here are three ways to take ownership of your learning at work.

Learn from others
The people you spend time with are a significant source of knowledge. Creating a diverse learning community will offer you new perspectives and reduce the risk that you’ll end up in an echo chamber. Set a goal of having one curiosity coffee each month, virtually or in person, with someone you haven’t met before. This could be someone in a different department who could help you view your organization through a new lens or someone in your profession at another company who could broaden your knowledge. You can extend your curiosity even further by ending each conversation with the question: “Is there anyone else you think it would be useful for me to connect with?” Not only does this create the chance for new connections, but you might also benefit from a direct introduction.

Experiments help you test, learn, and adapt along the way. There are endless ways you can experiment at work — for example, using different tools to increase the interactivity of your virtual presentations, exploring the impact of camera-on versus camera-off meetings, switching from video to phone calls, or even trying out new negotiation tactics.

For an experiment to be effective, it needs to be a conscious choice and labeled as an opportunity for learning. Keep a learn-it-all log where you track the experiments you’re running and what you’re learning along the way. It’s important to remember that you should expect some experiments to fail, as that’s the nature of exploring the unknown.





Create a collective curriculum
In a squiggly career, everyone’s a learner and everyone’s a teacher. As a team, consider how you can create a collective curriculum where you’re learning from and with each other. We’ve seen organizations effectively use skills swaps where individuals share one skill they’re happy to help other people learn. This could look like a creative problem-solver offering to share the processes and tools they find most helpful, or someone who has expertise in coding running beginner lunch-and-learn sessions. Skills swaps are a good example of democratized development where everyone has something to contribute and is learning continually.

Unlearning means letting go of the safe and familiar and replacing it with something new and unknown. Skills and behaviors that helped you get to where you are can actually hold you back from getting to where you want to be. For example, a leader might need to unlearn their default of always being the person who speaks first in meetings. Or a new manager might need to unlearn always saying “yes” as their workload increases.

During the pandemic, we were all forced to unlearn some aspects of our lives, like how we collaborated on work or what school looked like for our kids. Unlearning feels uncomfortable, but the past couple of years have reminded us how adaptable we can be. Here are three ways to make unlearning an active part of how you work.

Connect with challengers
We unlearn when we look at a problem or opportunity through a new lens. This is more likely to happen if we’re spending time with people who challenge us and think differently than we do. The purpose of connecting with challengers is not to agree or debate but to listen and consider: What can I learn from this person?

Seek out people who have an opposite experience from you in some way. For example, if you’re in a large organization, find someone who has only ever worked for themselves. If you have 25 years of experience, find someone just starting out. People who have made different choices and have different areas of expertise than you are a good place to discover a new source of challenge. Asking people, “How would you approach this challenge?” or “What has your experience of this situation been?” is a good way to explore an alternative point of view.







Create a habit tracker by writing down all the actions and activities you do by default over the course of a week. Pick three habits to consciously unlearn and try out a new way of working. For example, if you habitually set up meetings, see what happens when you leave it to someone else. If you habitually problem solve, try out asking for other people’s perspectives first. Testing your habits helps increase your awareness of your own actions.

Ask propelling questions
Propelling questions reset our status quo and encourage us to explore different ways of doing things. They often start with: How might we? How could I? What would happen if? These questions are designed to prevent our existing knowledge from limiting our ability to imagine new possibilities. They fast-forward us into the future and prompt positive action in the present.

To put propelling questions into practice, it’s helpful to pair up with someone else and take turns asking and answering questions. These five peer-to-peer propelling questions can get you started:

Imagine it’s 2030. What three significant changes have happened in your industry?
How might you divide your role between you and a robot?
Which of your strengths would be most useful if your organization doubled in size?
How could you transfer your talents if your industry disappeared overnight?
If you were rebuilding this business tomorrow, what would you do differently?
Relearning is recognizing that how we apply our strengths is always changing and that our potential is always a work in progress. We need to regularly reassess our abilities and how they need to be adapted for our current context. For example, collaboration remains as important as ever, but maybe you’re relearning how to do it in a hybrid world of work. Or maybe you’ve made a career change and you’re relearning what it looks like to transfer your talents to a new setting. Here are three ways to use relearning to stay nimble in the face of change.





Get fresh-eyed feedback
Looking at your skills from someone else’s perspective will help you identify opportunities to relearn. Asking for feedback can help open your eyes to your development blind spots and take back control of your growth. When your objective is to relearn, we find that presenting people with even-better questions works particularly well to provide them with the safety to share candid feedback. For example: How could I make my presentations even better? How could I make our team meetings even better? What’s one way I could do an even better job of progressing my performance?

Relearn resilience
Relearning takes resilience, and if you feel pessimistic about the progress you’re making, you might be tempted to give up. Refocusing on what’s working well can help you continue to move forward.

Try writing down three very small successes at the end of each day for two weeks. Your successes can come from your personal or professional life, and though it can be hard to spot them at first, the more you do this, the easier it gets. A very small success could include asking one person for feedback, helping a colleague prepare for a presentation, or even encouraging your toddler to eat a vegetable! At the end of two weeks, you’ll have 42 very small successes, creating the motivation and momentum to continue investing in your development, even when it feels hard.

* * *

We can’t predict how our careers will develop or what the world of work will look like in the future. Investing in our ability to learn, unlearn, and relearn helps us increase our readiness for the opportunities that change presents and our resilience to the inevitable challenges we’ll experience along the way.
自分のスキルを他人の視点から見ることで、学び直す機会を見出すことができます。フィードバックを求めることで、自分の成長の盲点に気づき、成長の主導権を握ることができます。学び直しを目的とする場合、「より良い質問」を提示することで、相手が安心して率直なフィードバックを得られるようにすることが効果的です。例えば どうしたら、もっと良いプレゼンができますか?どうすれば、チームミーティングをもっと良くできますか?自分のパフォーマンスをさらに向上させるためには、どうすればいいでしょうか?



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With gratitude,
Keiko Mizuno 

Thank you for your support and I hope you‘ll good it! 
May you have any wonderful time in your life. 
そして Try lots of new things. 新しい経験をたくさんしよう。

Copyright Ⓒ Keiko Mizuno SPACES,INC (https://spacesinc.webnode.jp/) info@keishogrm.com Use English in your daily life 英語を身近に使いましょうThank you for reading today.お読みいただいてありがとうございます。Behave smart and beautiful!! Moving forward with you.より美的健康を創造しよう、ご一緒に This email contains information about Scientific evidence, SPACES’s research, insights, services, or events. このメールには、科学的 に証明されたエビデンス、スぺ―シーズのリサーチ、インサイト、サービス、イベントなどに関する情報が含まれています。