全球美徳倫・Global Beauty Times


<Continue to refine your character. 人格を磨き続ける

Be prepared to take all the responsibility and live with integrity.
(Living according to others is a cowardly way of avoiding responsibility.

If you can take responsibility for your own failures, then it doesn't matter how hard you try.

You don't have the time to think about what other people and the world think of you, because you don't have the time to do it. 他人や世間にどう思われるかなんてくだらないことを、考えている時間は自分には与えられていないのだから。


You can't undo the past, but you can change the future.

People who create independent lives for themselves - Spontaneity, autonomy, cooperation –

1. Make lots of small goals.
2. Achieve/commit to achieving/achievable goals
3. reflect on/reflect on accomplishments and improve skills/jobs

1. 小さな目標をたくさん作る
2. 達成/成果可能な目標を達成し/誓約させる
3. 達成を反省/内省化し、技/業を高める
Every day is filled with insight/discovery and cycles of happiness and frustration, and you will start to see things that even you yourself didn't notice! You can do it! It's fun! Become filled with happiness. 毎日が沢山の氣づき/発見と幸せ、挫折の繰り返しで、自分でさえ氣がつかなかったことが見えてくる!出来る!楽しい!幸せ一杯になる。

The energy of that happiness is a beautiful wisdom created as you take advantage of your coexistence and mutual prosperity with a rich natural environment in pursuit of realistic results. その幸せエネルギーは豊かな自然環境と共存/共栄を活かし、現実的な成果を追求する中で生まれた美しい智慧である。


What is the source of your energy?
You must "love" yourself. 
To love others requires knowledge and effort. (1) consideration, (2) responsibility, (3) respect, and (4) knowledge (spirit of learning).
Love, meaning here, includes self-love.

KEIKO with thanks and love