全球美徳倫・Global Beauty Times


When do you be starting your new style? いつ始めるの?

A lot of people talk about their dreams, but most people end their lives just preparing for their dreams.多くの人が夢を語るが、たいていの人は夢の準備だけで人生が終了する。

It's just as well to think that if you don't start your dream now, you won't make it, and if you don't move forward and prepare at the same time, you won't make it. 

The sooner you start, the more you'll realize, and the sooner you can start over if you make a mistake.早く始めるほど気づくことも多い、失敗してもやり直しがきく。

If you don't want your life to end with just preparation, start now.