全球美徳倫・Global Beauty Times


What are you thinking? あなたはどうしたいの?

On nights when you can’t sleep because of grief and anxiety, try to start taking action on what you can do now. 悲しみと不安で眠れない夜は、今できることから行動を始めてみる。

The reason you can’t sleep when you try to force yourself to sleep is because the stress created by grief and anxiety is trying to prompt you to take action to protect what is important to you.

So don’t be afraid to start with what you can do now.

That action will help heal your grief.

On nights when you can’t sleep because of grief and anxiety, try to start taking action on what you can do now.

The reason you can’t sleep when you try to force yourself to sleep is because the stress created by grief and anxiety is trying to prompt you to take action to protect what is important to you.

So don’t be afraid to start with what you can do now. That action will help you heal your grief.

When we are no longer able to change a situation – we are challenged to change ourselves.

So, It's all one's thoughts. すべては自分の想い一つである。